
Responses from stevecham

Music out there with good bass
Metheny show...who is excited?
Seeing him tomorrow in Eugene, OR. 
"To Have & To Hold" - A Film About Vinyl Records
Thank you! 
cambridge 840c ?
And in my case beat my older Meridian 508.24, which I replaced with an 840c. 
Vinyl reissues quality
Have you noticed that it most often happens at the outer radius of the disc. I swear they don't leave the material in the press long enough to let the outer portion fully form in the stamper. Then it forms crystals instead of flowing properly and ... 
Cambridge Audio Azur 840C vs Cary 303/200
I have to agree wth the above. I sold my twelve year old Meridian 508.24 and purchased a new 840C; after comparing by listening to a Levinson and a Bryston, it was the clearly the player that captured and provided what I had been looking for sonic... 
Strange phenomona this hobby.
No matter how powerful or accurate the system providing reproduction of recorded music, there will always be the simple physical fact that the act of a diaphragmatic/ribbon/other enabled transduction of vibrating air molecules to an electrical sig... 
National Record Store Day is Apr 17th
Here in Eugene, OR we are blessed to have two great and independent vinyl stores, CD World and House of Records both have a great selection of new and used vinyl. 
Ohms law?
Your speakers are nominally 6 Ohms and we would have to see what their impedance trace looks like over the listening bandwidth. Part of that bandwidth may be substantially higher than 6 ohms for a small portion of the response while there may a de... 
Sterophile's not so nice review of Bryston
By far all of the above is far more entertaining than any of the audio mags could ever hope to be.Thanks! 
Best power conditioner?
And the only way to know for sure if you are getting benefit is to put the conditioner in, do some critical listening and then remove the unit and listen again. If your immediate response is that the overall presentation is improved by its presenc... 
Tube flash
Pre amp or power tube flash? 
Am I overpowering my drivers when they
Try running your system completely flat for awhile at about 80 dB SPL and let your ears readjust to the sound. You may just find that you discover distortion free music content with tighter bass content. Loudness controls add distortion by design.... 
PS Audio Premier Power Plant or Audience Adept AR6
Can't speak for the Audience. I have both P300 (now powering home studio gear, and going on 8 years without a hitch) and Premiers for both two channel systems. The improvements are substantial in all three cases and my sense is that PS Audio is ma... 
Stand out phono stages
Thefile you da' man!Can we PLEASE dispense with the word "best?" It's so tiring, monotonic and uniformative. More inquiry, less advocacy.Please?