
Responses from stevecham

Wilson Sasha, SF Amati Anniversario, Thiel CS3.7
Wilson uses high order crossovers that require putting the mid range driver out of phase with respect to the tweeter and woofer in order to compensate for the ridiculous phase angle created near the crossover point. This destroys harmonic content ... 
A headache of choice over CD player
I demoed a Mark Levinson No. 360 about six months ago and this player sounded very nice, warm and spacious with an analog naturalness that was easy on the ear. I would have purchased except it was out of my budget at the time. You might also consi... 
Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
We're all largely advocates and my sense is that we would benefit by increasing our inquiry to advocacy ratio. Anyone else share this sentiment? 
Any feedback on the just released Hendrix albums
I picked up the vinyl version last night and listened to three of four sides. Overall, my feeling is that the family has finally run out of quality Jimi material. I can tell that much processing was performed on the music to get it to marginal aud... 
Bryston BCD-1 compared to more expensive players?
Not to say anything negative about the Bryston, I previously owned Bryston pre and power amplification and was very happy with it until I evetually upgraded to the Krell FPB cx series. I did audition the BCD-1 last year and did some careful listen... 
New amp being touted as among the best ever......
Since when in the world of art, was the term "best" ever valid? Seems to me this very word should be banished from our music listening and equipment hobby simply because there is no quantitative dimension that can be used to determine it. 
Thanks to Audiogon and friends
Orpheus10: was that really helpful? A new member asks for honest advice and you provide him nothing in return but cynicsm. Humor is fine but that wasn't even funny.Why all the cynicsm? It must be viral. 
When is used used up?
Players with motors can wear out, like turntables and CD players. Plus, CD players have lasers that, like light bulbs, eventually burn out and need replacement. Electrolytic caps in amplifiers can dry out, though modern ones are much better than i... 
How can I use a turntable with a Krell Integrated?
You will need a phono preamp with either of these models. 
Rhea Noise
My Rhea is extremely quiet and sounds wonderful with a 0.5 mV cartridge. It is hard for me to understand why there is so much negative comment on this thread about this fine phono stage. Are some of you guys trying to run sub 0.1 mV carts on your ... 
PSB vs Thiel 2.2/3.6 -- Any thoughts?
Time and phase coherence matters to me so it is a no brainer. I tried moving away from Thiel at one point to Dynaudio speakers but "they (Thiels) pulled me back in."And as long as you don't push your Bryston too hard, this will work well with the ... 
Krell FPB and cast versions
Krell/Thiel IS NOT BRIGHT!!!Chazbo what you smokin'? ;-)Wrong plain wrong.And 300i powering 2.3s, well duh, of course!Where the heck does this stuff come from? 
Audio Research PH-7
I home auditioned a PH7 recently and then an Aesthetix Rhea and to me there was a clear advantage to the Rhea. It has (I bought it) more dynamic impact, air, top to bottom extension and is more quiet in my system. Also, the PH7 has a fixed gain of... 
What is meant by a "fast" pre amp
I would add to Phd's well chosen words, dynamics, both micro and macro. 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
After 5 years of enjoying the EAR 834p, I recently upgraded to an Aesthetix Rhea and after one week thi shas turned out to be a logical and wise upgrade. Overall the results are a more refined, extended and dynamic presentation. Also the channel s...