
Responses from stevecham

The Physics of Electricity
I believe much has to do with the dielectric used to insulate the conductor and the manner in which it interacts with the formulation of the conductor. Certainly there are reproducible sonic differences between designs and mnuafacturers. I persona... 
impedance question
Also, the impedance rating of a speaker is its nominal rating; most speakers will have an impedance function, and associated phase angle (a function of the driver/cab design and crossover type), that vary widely across the operational bandwidth. A... 
Phono preamp comparison: Herron vs. K&K
I agree that your cartridge is holding back your system and the Lyra Delos is an excellent choice. I also had a Shelter 501 mk2 and upgraded to a Lyra Argo i. I guarantee that if you first make this change then you will have a whole new perspectiv... 
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?
HiFli by John Miles 
Thiel 3.7
Your Ayre player is fine. But I had Bryston components (7BSTs and a Bp25 pre) upfront of my CS7s and I have to say that the Bryston gear will not bring forth all that your 3.7s will be capable of delivering. It's not so much the current capability... 
Help with stylus cleaning
I have been using the LP9 on the stylus brush method for over ten years now and find this works very well. I have not suffered any damage to stylus or cartridges. It is perfectly safe to use and is very effective. Just an applicator brush's worth ... 
Bryston 4B-ST
Elizabeth is correct. I had a 4BST powering Thiel CS7s for a short time and, at moderate volumes, it could not handle the 2 Ohm dips and would go into the red and then one channel would typically shut down from thermal overload. Upgrading to 7BSTs... 
Clarence Clemons - RIP
Last night I cranked Jungleland from Born to Run in his memory. Clarence plays one of my favorite sax lines in that song; yes you all know the one I'm talking about. 
Worst record ever?
Milli Vanilli 
Manley or Rogue?
Conrad Johnson 
What is the best Beatle Song
There is no such thing as best when it comes to art.Now, "favorite" is another matter entirely. For me "And Your Bird Can Sing" sums up Beatles for me in a pocket sized manner. The music backing that one line alone, "You tell that you've heard eve... 
Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.
Krell KCT preamp and 400cx amplifier almost 10 years ago and going strong. 
Lyra Helikon setup sensitivity?
I completely agree with Larryi. My Helikon is very sensitive to VTA and I run it with the arm parallel to the record surface using a 180 gram pressing. Also, I feel that it is sensitive to VTF and I run it at the top end of the range at 1.75 grams... 
EAR 834P help
Sorry: I use HT Prosilway 2s between the 834p and the pre amp. This set up is warm and full range with smooth mids, no grain. 
Need a MC Cartridge recomendation...
I would highly recommend the Lyra Skala or Titan. I have both an Argo i and a Helikon i and will certainly move up to one of these cartridges in the future. Compliance should not be a problem with these and your Graham.