
Responses from stevecham

Cary SLAM 100 vs. Manley Snapper
Obviously I don't read dates. But what the heck, it piqued your interest. ;-) 
Cary SLAM 100 vs. Manley Snapper
Philefreak, that is such a naive and uninformed statement when you have Mitch Margolis as the chief designer of this fine amp.And PA? Do you even know what microphones, preamps, EQs and mastering limiters are? This is the very stuff that is used t... 
Manley Chinook
Thiel 2.4I have to say now on day three of this system is revelatory and it's not even broken in. 
Preamp for manley snappers
Jumbo Shrimp and Snappers are an excellent pairing. On day three of this recent upgrade. 
Linear tracking vs. Pivoted tracking tone arms.
I wouldn't touch a linear tracker if you paid me or gave me one for free. Just because it's cut that way doesn't mean it's the best way to play back. Constant pitch doesn't exist and the feared tracking error distortions created by tangential syst... 
Thiel CS6
Alan, don't be afraid of pointing the CS6s straight ahead; they fill in the middle beautifully and my experience is that they sound their best aimed thusly; all of course in my room. And, it is extremely important to position them equally to the n... 
Manley Chinook
Chinook continues to break in on day 10; last night listening and the soundstage is even larger than a week ago. Bass also improved and I still can't believe the detail retrieval and how much I was missing earlier.Decided to trade in my CJ CAV50 f... 
Forgotten heavy bands from late 60's to early 70's
Blue Cheer, Spirit, Love...all amazing and well ahead of their time from 1966 to 1969. 
Cartridge Recommendation
Delos will be the eventual replacement for my Argo. 
the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?
CJ no clarity...can we start over? No wonder this thread has run off the rails. 
How much should I pay for a 2001 Thiel CS 3.6?
Even 250 watts as a stand alone spec won't necessarily provide what is needed to power these properly. Trust me, I own them and love the sound of them, but it took a Krell 400 cx (even a 300 cx wouldn't do, I tried!) to finally get them to "light ... 
Help me pick a great phono cable
Excellent choice on the HT silver, I've been enjoying mine for many years now and I see no reason to change, even though I have tried swapping out once in awhile to test another cable; the HT always wins. 
Wilco /Newport Folk Festival
Saw them here in Eugene, OR a few months ago and they were fantastic. Sky Blue Sky gets a good play every now and then. Tweedy is a modern pop writing genius. Kline consistently steps outside the traditional guitarist role. 
Any punk fans care to give some band suggestions?
All of the above and...Gas GufferDivinylsHeatmiserDamned (I know I had to mention them again because I think they were one of the best punk bands ever)And You Will Know Us By The Trail OF DeadMC5IGGY!RamonesRocket From The CryptReverend Horton Hea... 
Cartridge Recommendation
Should have also added that I use a Helikon with an Aries 2 in a second system meaning that, in my experience, Lyra and VPI arms are a great match.