
Responses from stevecham

Thiel CS6
This somewhat depends on the size of the room and the level to which you typically listen. Before I traded up to a Krell 400cx, the Bryston 7BST monoblocks I was using could be taken to the limit with this speaker, but they did not double down int... 
Manley Chinook
Thanks Whart, very generous of you! After watching Eva Anna discuss how they select and burn in tubes for their manufacuring, I think I will let the Chinook simply burn in with, and enjoy, the stock tubes that came with it and see how that plays o... 
Which song you would love to wake up to?
And there's always Carmina Burana... 
Cartridge Recommendation
Am on day five of my Chinook upgrade; it is fed by a Lyra Argo i and this combination is detailed dynamic and warm. Low level ambient and spatial cues are well preserved and the Argo tracks beautifully the most heavily modulated grooves. 
Thiel CS6
The 5As have subterranean bass extension but do share the time and pahse coherence of the CS6. My experience is that they share a common cloth in fine detail and time arrival of microtransients. When set up properly, the focus with either model is... 
The current offerings of both types, and moving iron too, are such that it becomes more a matter of personal choice, taste and system compatibility, not necessarily in that order of priority.So that wasn't very helpful was it?About 12 years ago I ... 
Manley Chinook
Ah, the slippery slope...Any suggestions on the tube rolling front?Also, just for fun I tried a number of different capacitance settings this morning, best is at 0 pf so this supports the idea that MCs, at least this model, don't benefit from adde... 
Manley Chinook
Just traded in my beloved EAR 834P Deulxe for this phono stage, purchased new, so it hasn't had enough time to really break in yet. I run a Lyra Argo i and have the phono pre set on the MC setting at 100 Ohms, 0 capacatiance. Opening the unit up t... 
Lyra Argo i tracking force
For what it's worth now that this cartridge is no longer available and it's been two years since the last post. I recently increased the VTF to 1.77 grams and this seems to have opened up the soundstage quite a bit more. But then maybe it's my bra... 
Mapleshade Double Helix Speaker Cables
I have them and, after trying several different brands and models, have concluded that they are my last speaker cable. They are excellent sounding cables.I leave any "excess cable" very loosely and open coiled behind my system trying not to any al... 
Which song you would love to wake up to?
Only because I can't seem to get it out of my head lately: Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt 
how low can you go?
Get a PS AUDIO Power Plant; this will regenerate and restore the proper voltage for your system.Run don't walk! 
What next?
Aurelex Lenrd bass traps in the corners of the room behind the spakers will do wonders for the bass. 
VPI Classic vs Avid Volvere SP
keep the Classic 
Jon Lord Deep Purple
well I ended playing all of Made in Japan (correction for above), original pressing, on vinyl. What a great live album. Jon was one of the few who could sling a Hammond around on stage and make it sing. So much of their sound was the combination o...