
Responses from stevecham

I just had my Audiogon account hacked . . .
Thank you Krell Man 
Amplifier for Sonus Faber Cremona M
You heard the speakers, liked how they sounded and also when compared to ML and B&W, liked their what was driving them? 
Possibly controversial: Totem arro overrated?
There is always the possibility that the speakers were miswired internally...stranger things have happened in quality control.Trust your ears. 
Great Rock Tracks With Piano?
A Little Is Enough by Pete Townshend from Empty Glass as played by RabbitLove Reign O'er Me - The Who from QudropheniaMartha - Beatles from The BeatlesImpression 2 by ELP from Brain Salad Surgery as played by Keith Emersonanything by Lyle Mays of ... 
Thiel CS6 Compared with Eggleston Andra 1
L2L: Thanks for pointing this out. Whenever I encounter it, I get up on my soapbox and ask, why do designers spend untold amounts of money bringing to market very expensive and heavy speakers that, by design, intentionally destroy musical content ... 
Using the VPI threaded clamp and azimuth change
When used correctly, the playing surface of the record is flat to the platter and not dished. 
companies that modify equipment...opinions
As Elizabeth stated, I too have no interest in modifications to original designs and instead prefer to enjoy a given builder's/manufacturer's original intent and execution of a product. If it turns out not to provide long term satisfaction, I find... 
Next Phonostage
For a dedicated phono stage that is on par with the Steelhead sonically at far less cost, I highly recommend the Manley Chinook. It has dynamics and speed, extension and is VERY QUIET. This is the finest and most satisfying phono stage I have owne... 
What Sets Price on Turntables?
I agree that the B&O is a BIG mistake and you should have asked us here first. Much better choices include Rega, Project and Music Hall. 
An impression of some phono stages
Were you and others standing while listening? 
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?
Automatic Man debut album from 1977. 
Phono advice for my current set up please?
I agree with Dave above in that I think going to a micro ridge stylus will improve your detail resolution over the elliptical design in your current cart. That's where I would start the upgrade process. Seems that published reviews hold the Luxman... 
How Black is Your Background?
Center of a black hole background 
Cable Recommendations
Mapleshade, and if you don't like the you can return in 30 days for refund. 
VPI Platter Spinning SLOWLY
You should be using white lithium grease