
Responses from stevecham

R.I.P Jon Lord
Blasted the entire Made in Japan on original vinyl Tuesday night in his memory and in his honor. 
Jon Lord Deep Purple
Highway Star from Live in Japan...I'm gonna crank it tonight in his honor. His solo on that said it all about his talent and energy, one of the greats in rock.Jon may you rest peacefully. 
Mc cartridge and phono amp
If 64 dB is the actual gain for this phono pre for MC then all is well. Thanks for the update and correction! 
How many still listen to CD's daily.
About 60% vinyl: 40% CD these days. A little Pandora streaming now and then on weekend mornings (I like Steve Roach radio with coffee in the morning after being out the night before). 
Output tubes burn-in
As I have always done, I listen and enjoy the burn in process. Part of the key to enjoying high end systems is to witness first hand the changes that occur as things settle in and form the new sonic envelope and space. The same goes for speakers, ... 
Mc cartridge and phono amp
The Ortofon would work, good cart.Or get a tried and true Shure M97XE for $89.99; a solid performer, exceptional tracker, lauded the world over, and be done with it. 
Are there any other EAR 834P modders lately?
Frogman no offense taken and I want to be clear that I did not get the recommendation to try a 12AU7 in V3 from Audiogon members; it was from another popular but unmentionable site that, more and more, I have shied away from. 
Mc cartridge and phono amp
Unless you are planning to eventually upgrade your table as well, my recommendations still stand as I believe they are balanced relative to the quality of your turntable. Use the extra money on VINYL!!!And HW-16.5 is a no brainer, you gotta have one! 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
It's all about physical compression that happens in the speakers and the room itself that reveals playback vs. live experiences to our ear/brain and there is simply not much we can do about it. It's simply physics that imparts this limitation. Lou... 
Mc cartridge and phono amp
OK, from experience here's what you might want to consider for a $1000 budget. I have auditioned at home or owned these carts and phono pres that I think will work with you RPM 5.1.Carts:Grado Platinum Statement $350: MM, actually moving iron, I h... 
Are there any other EAR 834P modders lately?
As I have read elsewhere, in other threads, using a 12AU7 in V3 has been cited to improve bass. So last night I tried the experiement with two different 12AU7s (an EH and a JJ) in V3 (the position closest to the front of the preamp). This did NOT ... 
Risk using amp Wattage than speaker rating?
1) How big is your room and 2) from your listening position, how loud (in dB)do you like to listen most of the time? 
Are there any other EAR 834P modders lately?
I replaced the three tubes with current "Genalex Gold Lions," selected for low noise (TubeDepot) and, after five years of owning and tube rolling this preowned stage, this phono pre simply sounds wonderfully magic now. Previously I had tried NOS T... 
Mc cartridge and phono amp
40 dB of gain is simply not enough for a low output MC; you need at least 56 dB for a 0.5 mV cart. Can you not increase the gain on this, especially at this price point I don't see how you can be competitive, no matter how good it sounds. I was ta... 
JMW 10.5 tonearm cartridge recommendation
A great match is any Lyra cartridge. I run a Helikon (I am the original owner) on my JMW 10.5/Aries 2 and am very happy with this combo.