
Responses from stevecham

Information on setting cartridge loading
Much of this depends on the design of the MC, internal impedance and coil/magnet structures; some cartridges respond audibly to changes in loading (Koetsu) while others it seems to make very little difference (Lyra). 
Speaker cables or interconnects??
In other threads I have commented around this topic but after owning several of the "big boys" in the IC and speaker cable world (Van den hul, Tara, Synergistic, Audioquest, Harmonic Technologies), I am now using (and greatly enjoying) Mapleshade ... 
The best way to break in speakers.
Enjoy the journey and play them as you would normally. This is the fun part. There will be several "aha" moments along that way where a number of things will happen; soundstage will open up, bass response will improve...and you will undoubtedly re... 
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally
Ditto what Jwm said - recently picked up a Dutch Blue Box set from 1978 in mint plus condition and still can't believe how good that little band sounds. 
Turntable, but which one?
SME Model 10. I am a firm believer that there are design and engineering synergies between the arm and table manufacturer. When in doubt, I believe one should keep such componentry in the family. Why else own an SME 309? 
Beatles Reissues on VINYL Finally
Agreed about the mono mixes. That was the primary goal back in the day of three track recording and it should be the goal of these releases i.e. to be as authentic to the master tapes that were the primary focus. There may be a marketing group per... 
What would you do?
For that price the driver manufacturer, the head of operations and the CEO/President, should visit you personally, install the replacement drivers as matched pairs, sit with you and listen critically for several hours to make sure everything is we... 
VTL TP 2.5 vs Manley Chinook phono stage
After a month with the Chinook in an all tube system, I am amazed by the resolution, dynamics, quickness, warmth, huge and deep soundstage, and extremely low noise floor of this phono stage. In an A/B comparison with my recently retubed-by-Aesthet... 
Cambridge Audio 840C player still a good buy ?
(sigh) I have the 840C; unmusical it is not. A few years ago, it beat the pants off my original Meridian 508.24 that I purchased new in 1997 and that was the reason that I bought it. Or perhaps, the 508.24 was also unmusical? 
Cable elevators - conventional wisdom wrong?
Three bamboo chopsticks held together as tripod with a rubber band about any inch and a half from top forms a nice perch for cables and works wonderfully. I use this method on my speaker cables and can tell the difference between that and on the f... 
Speakers for low power tube amplifier
Please also consider Vandersteen 1C. One of the finest budget floor standers out there; time and phase aligned with exceptional bass response. 
Stand out phono stages
Ah, the Rhea has ten tubes ;-) 
Valve phono or valve linestage?
The ideal is tubes all the way through (phono, line, power). Having said that, using tubes as close to the source as possible will provide the greatest "tube-like" experience; I use a tube phono pre in an otherwise all solid state system and feel ... 
New cables, help
Another shout out for Mapleshade cables. 
cartridge cost/quality/performance
After owning, Grado, Benz, Koetsu, Shelter and van den Hul cartridges, Lyra, since 2007 has become, by far, my favorite manufacturer simply because I believe they are making some of the finest styli, magnet structure and coil motors out there. The...