
Responses from stevecham

why do we argue?
It's in our DNA, we can't help it. If the genetic material didn't support behaviors that were competitive in nature, then the self-fulfilling requirement of perpetuating the molecular structure would disappear and with it the fundamental "raison d... 
Rogue Cronus Magnum / Cary SLI-80
Owned a slew of integrated over the past ten yeats for a second system. Had both Cronus and a Jolida tube integrateds as part of that exploration and in the end happily settled on the now discontinued conrad johnson CAV50, one of the finest "integ... 
Ideas for Krell-ish sound, but less heat?
For years I have been of the, (possibly misled) opinion that Musical Fidelity offered a "Krellish" type of presentation, albeit with a British take on the sonic approach. Having said that, the two are very different designs. It's gonna be difficul... 
Bob Welch RIP
I was just listening to Future Games on vinyl...brilliant record.RIP Bob 
Thiel CS 3.7 and Vandersteen 5a, 5a Carbon
Larry, you rock man, couldn't have said it better myself!What kept me from being able to audition Vandy's in my own system (moan, here he goes with a 'story') was that in an unmentionable San Franciso dealership many years ago, I wanted to check o... 
Thiel CS 3.7 and Vandersteen 5a, 5a Carbon
I own both Thiel CS6 and CS2.4 as I am a huge Thiel fan, and I have listened extensively to the 5a. If I had the bux I would go with the Vandersteen simply because the bass alone is unparalleled and I do not find these speakers to be dark. They ar... 
Good cables for a Krell system?
After using, Tara Labs, Synergisitic and then Harmonic Tech for many years, I have been using Mapleshade Golden Double Helix between a Krell 400cx and Thiel CS6s for the past year and I am quite happy. The results are very balanced, detailed and d... 
Replasment for Mullard Long Plates?
I have tried all the current manufactured 12AX7s and really like the Genalex Gold Lion that I run in both my phono pre and preamp section of my tube integrated. 
Memorial Day
My thanks to those who serve and have served our country with dignity and honor. 
Phono Pre amp for a Krell system
Your jaw dropping cables
Over the years I now beleive the dielectric matter as much, if not more, to the final sonic presentation.My jawdrop brand, and with which I have recabled both ICs and speakers cables, is Mapleshade. They offer a 30 day money back return policy. Af... 
Phono Pre amp for a Krell system
My system is a VPI Aries 2/JMW 10.5/Lyra Helikon, a KCT pre and 400cx amp with cast. After having both Krell and EAR phnono pres in this system, I finally, and happily, settled on an Aesthetix Rhea. Great combination and due the quieteness of the ... 
Tube Break in Period / Method
Play 'em! 
Cartridge Upgrade for Rega P-25 Table
I used a Glider on the 25 that I owned and enjoyed for few years. Benz carts are good choices for the Rega arms. 
MoFi Release Meets Expectations FINALLY
Yes, I have both my original mint issue of Doolittle and the MoFi. The MoFi has deeper bass and punchier dynamics, it's not as compressed. Background is quieter too.