

Responses from stanwal

Any way to "improve" a Conrad Johnson MF 2500
I put WBT RCA jacks and binding posts on my CJ 350. No A-B possible of course but I thought it gave a worthwhile improvement. I would change the RCAs at least; they are not CJs strong point. There are several RCAs cheaper than WBT which are still ... 
Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube
Now up and running; first results very impressive. Not burnt in or even fully warmed up. Will post more after I get use to it. 
Why do planars have poor bass extension?
If the bass area is large enough they can have a lot of bass. My Apogee Duetta Signatures have very impressive bass and the bigger Apogees had even more. 
Rel T1/T2 ??
I would use an S series; the T series was designed for HT primarily. I have 3 S series subs myself. 
Stereo sub out to mono, is it safe?
The answer is yes; I have no idea what Elizabeth is talking about. Why is it wrong to convert a stereo signal to mono? I started with a stereo cartridge feeding a mono pre amp;for that matter what do you think a mono switch on a pre amp does excep... 
Long cord from Power Plant to amplifier?
I have a PPP which I use for my entire system including a CJ 350 amp. The PPP got rid of a lot of the junk in my AC; even though I have 2 dedicated lines. If you use a heavy cable I would think it should work fine. It might also be the time to hav... 
Oh, to be a high end dealer for a year.
I have been a "high end" dealer for decades; not at todays ultra level but selling Krell, Classe, B&W, Quad, SME, VPI etc at various times. The market has contracted so much that many companies have had to specialize to an extreme degree and p... 
Pass Labs INT-150 with Power Plant Premier
I use my PPP with a CJ 350; which draws more current than the Pass with no problems. 
Jim Marshall passes on.
Good obit in the New York times. 
Von Schweikert VR-6: Fair Price Advice
If the parts are long out of production they can not have a factory warranty in my opinion. I still have many units from my dealer days but would not think they had a factory warranty just because they had not been sold. The short answer is that t... 
Experience with Metrum Octave DAC
All the DACs I have used are sensitive to transport used; I use a Meridian 200 with Transparent Reference digital cable; the cable has a list price about 50% above the Metrum. 
Has anybody tried the Musical Fidelity M1 ViNL?
I had the kW, it was very good; only sold it as I got a Basis Exclusive which is better at 3x the cost. I now have a V-LPS which I bought as a back up and to use with MM cartridges. Used with my Little Pinkie PS it is quite good and a real bargain... 
Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube
They forgot to include the Burndy cable; shipping in the morning. Will report when I get it running. TeddySuperCap and Burndy together were $1685 inclusive of shipping. The TSC looks quite good and well constructed; ordered mine with WBT Nextgen R... 
Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube
Power supply came today but not the Burndy cable I thought I ordered with it; emailed but not heard yet. More when I know anything. 
Phonostage: Naim Superline vs 47 Labs phonocube
I bought my Superline on here for around $1900 and paid $1600 for power supply and cable so price wasn't too far above a new Uphoric [ what a hell of a name]. The Uphoric would be a good deal used if you could find one.