

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Do I have to spend $4000 plus to get a better sounding speaker than GET model 7 ?
sunny jimFirst you should never pay taxes. Exon Moble does not pay taxes, " only little people pay taxes " Second you should never pay attention to those annoying reviewers. They will mess with you.  
Are tuners still popular
I have a Luxman tuner that I would love to find a good home for. Shipping only.  
I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?
Hey 1241. The operative word is " guessing " The final decision as always is yours.  
I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?
I love the sound of the Sophia Electric. Guessing it would put Prima luna to shame 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Reasons to to go to Hi Fi Shows1. Simply to have fun. You have a system you really like.2. You wonder if you system is out dated. 3. You are thinking of updating you system or a part of it. 4. To gloat over how good your system sounds compared to ... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Well here is a nice show report. https://www.stereophile.com/content/jvs-works-his-way-marriott-tower 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
innaI remember one of my first visits to the CES. I was looking mostly for speakers. I found " spectacular " sounding room. I was smitten. I ordered the demo speakers they were using for my show room in Colorado. All wood thick face plate 1.5" thi... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
The full list of components used in that room is below:http://wilson-benesch.com/2017/09/rocky-mountain-audio-fest-2017/ 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Ypsilon was driving the new Wilson Beseech Cardinals. Very special speakers. Read about them here:http://www.wilson-benesch.com/reviews/wilson-benesch-cardinal-audiobeat-s.pdf 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Yipsilon was driving the new Wilson Beseech Cardinals. Very special speakers. Read about them here:http://www.wilson-benesch.com/reviews/wilson-benesch-cardinal-audiobeat-s.pdf 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
stereo5Thanks for  coming in. What music were we playing? if you remember.. 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Well I did have time to get out of our room at the show. Walked up to the 11th. floor stuck my head some rooms. I walked the floor then walked down a flight to the 10th. then all the way back to our room. My ears are ringing still. Seems to me the... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Looks like it is going to be a really nice weather for the show. The weekend is going to be mid to high 70's. The hotel has been remodeled and looks really nice. The CanJam is huge for headphone fans. I am looking forward to hearing some sounds. 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
I think you can avoid sensory over load if you don't spend to much time in any one room at first. I like to treat it like wine tasting. You taste as many as you can and then leave time to go back to your 3 or 4 favorites and see if they still soun... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
ben I do. Of course you want to check out the large rooms down stairs and on the mezzanine. Actually you could save those for later when you get hungry and come down for lunch. They are pretty mellow. Second you might want to look through the prog...