

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Design a $60,000 Speaker - Start here
I wouldn't necessarily start with the drivers. First I would get rid of the MDF.  
Is this for real?
I wonder if they sound any good? 
Current speaker threads are boring
Inna Be nice to us mid fi low fi people. We bring shame on ourselves, no need to pile on. LOL 
Current speaker threads are boring
rotariusThat is no joke. The Double Impacts. Giant killers.  
Voxativ loudspeakers and drivers
It is fun isn't to enjoy the midrange and uppers so much that the lack of deep bass is a non issue. I see so many posts where people are looking for a subwoofer to match there speakers. I think if the speakers have a really good, organic midrange ... 
Voxativ loudspeakers and drivers
normie57Let us know how well you live with these speakers. I ask for a reason. I have had a number of single drive speakers. They all eventually wore me out. Just to much of a " good " thing, 
I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos
There are lots of speaker designers that slow roll it. They come out with a new cross over or port design. Going to fix everything, right. Not sure whether it is from negative feedback or simply more time spent with their own speakers.  
Opinion - Every audiophile should build at least 1 pair of speakers
My God if this stuff continues we well end up with another 800 speaker design/builders.  
Upgrade Quandary: Ref 75SE vs Ref 150 (non SE)
Sounds like you are obsessed with ref. How about Zesto Bia. Get out of this rut and experience life which is only a metaphor for music.Put the enjoyment back in music. 
Preamp for a Line Magnetic i518?
I thought I would add a review on the Ultraverve. This review features a number of preamplifiers compared to each other. Good read.https://www.dagogo.com/boppin-down-memory-lane-preamps 
Preamp for a Line Magnetic i518?
Strongly recommend the deHavilland Ultraverve. beautiful sounding with no electronic artifacts, great company. I love mine. http://www.dehavillandhifi.com/UltraVerve-Preamplifier.htm 
recommendation on power conditioner for mc452
tp 80 
How much does DAC ‘Reality’ cost in 2017?
Have had a number of DAC's. Very good and very expensive ones. My landing point is the Bricasti M1. I have loaded all my CD's on my Melco N1 library/player. Dumped my JRiver- computer. So much easier. The Bricasti is very refined and very musical.... 
jimprovI have owned the de Capo's. I never took them out into the field to listen so no comment on that listening experience. 
Sonic qualities of SET output tubes?
The sound of the 845 is wonderful. The 300B's also sound good, not quite as good. Not a big fan of the 211. Thin sounding to my ears. The 6C33's not good for that application. The GM 70's are really forceful and full sounding as well. They all sou...