

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Dealers hijacking the discussions
dynaquest4 and tomic601 and costumerI will do just that. I have a confession to make however. The only dealer I know that posts is HiFiMadness. Atmasphere is a manufacturer, and I realize that. So you guys have schooled me on this stuff and I appr... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
This looks like a fun thread. So I ask myself " self why don't you jump in and add your deep knowledge to this subject " My alter ego told me to shut the F up.A serious question however. I hope it is quite clear by my moniker that I am, at least f... 
Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?
I agree that CD's sound better after they are ripped. All they are is "data" and once in that format they are easier to render into music. Putting your CDs in a library will make them sound better as well as make them more accessible and in my opi... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
My thoughts on this:  I sensed desperation in many rooms, way to loud with the door open playing to the people in the hall.  
Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?
defiantboomerangAs and old music lover/audiophile ( is there such a thing? ) I will relay my steps towards streaming. I purchased a really nice dac you may be able to use your CD player. At first I started burning my CDs onto my laptop using JRive... 
Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
Doesn't sound like many people went. Kind of interesting all these people on line wanting to know what they should purchase and then miss the opportunity to go and hear about every brand and talk to manufactures and other users. Might be the Amazo... 
Advantages of beryllium?
Now boys........behave...it is just a hobby.......just go on tweeter and let loose....that has become trendy now.. 
What do you consider the most musical speakers—$15000 & under
I would prefer both. Yes they need to be musical so that I can enjoy the music and not feel like a reviewer dissecting the sound but they should also be accurate so that I will be satisfied long term. 
Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)
vermeerIf you can audition a pair of the Wilson Beseech Geometry Series speakers I think they would work well for you. Yes they are accurate but they also have soul, really enjoyable. Because the cabinets are carbon fiber there will be far less ca... 
Advantages of beryllium?
I read a recent story about the diplomats that were stationed in Cuba and lost their hearing, apparently due to some very high frequency sounds. Apparently those frequencies were generated by metal dome tweeters. The highs break up above what most... 
"Best" mini-monitor?
You might have a Wilson Benesch dealer near you. If so the Vertex is certainly light years ahead of most speakers. Featuring downward firing ports, carbon fiber cabinet, soft dome tweeter re-inforced with carbon fiber. Clean, fast accurate and mos... 
"Best" mini-monitor?
I think I would narrow it down, first by the type of drivers you prefer. Example: I like soft dome tweeters and could not survive ribbons. 
Physics of downward firing woofers
inna I just make a joke. I learned long ago at a motivational seminar that "there are no dumb questions" Not sure what motivations they were using. The only thing that motivates me know is a good night sleep.  
Quad 2905
Good question. I wouldn't worry about it. Money may be better spent on new amp or preamp or DAC.  
Physics of downward firing woofers
jimsprovWhat a dumb question. Anyone can see that all those downward firing waves only rattle the floorboards and disturb the renters below you.