

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Can a Quality Full Range Speaker be the Limiting Component in a system?
I think speakers are usually the limiting factor. I think there are over 500 speaker manufactures, at least. You job is to find the gem amongst them. Do be swayed by the BS, plenty of that to go around. Jimdealer 
windyI think the Vivids would be a great choice.  
The midrange is the most important driver.
Dimensional Purity......I love that. Have no ideal what it means but it sounds so audiophile that I feel like I should believe it. JimDealer of the month....probably not next month however..who shall we nominate? 
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
BlindjimThis is a tough decision. Let me drink on for a while....more to come. Jimdealer  
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
AberyI think it is my job as a dealer to make audiophiles feel insecure about their systems. I don't take that job to seriously however. Probably won't be dealer of the month next month. " perfection is the enemy of good enough "  
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
Someone tell me why I am supposed to be super impressed with very expensive gear. To me it doesn't sound as good as some simpler less expensive equipment. Wolf......I am so disappointed to hear, I won't be able to take it with me. My kids wouldn't... 
Incredible deal on incredible amp
Is there any way you could make that amp sound better?Jim 
I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?
Looks like Jadis has a nice little integrated. I haven't heard it.JimDealer, not for Jadis  
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
I think there is a great potential to be disappointed with a really high end system. I think speakers can be the biggest culprit. To me large speakers often sound like PA systems. I guess you can figure it out for yourself by looking at the ads fo... 
My speaker quest
Well let me tell you my thoughts. If you like speakers that are very fast with minuscule cabinet resonance so they disappear totally, speakers that have a full midrange so male baritone voices have fullness and richness to them, speakers that have... 
Would you buy a 12-14 year old Integrated?
Does this prove a point. ............apparently there has been no improvements in the sound even after 14 years, of major brands. Brands that are constantly creating new models, they market as sounding  "so much better then the previous version".A... 
Would you buy a 12-14 year old Integrated?
I can't comment on how well this product will perform after 12 years of use. I do think there have been a lot of improvements in amplifiers in the last decade. My guess is that you can buy an newer amplifier for the same price that will sound bett... 
Let's talk power cords
I recommend you try an upgrade power cord and then you can speak with more confidence regarding that issue. It may or may not have much effect on the sound of your system. Regards JimDealer of the month........ 
For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
I have been chastised for not indicating that I am a dealer and I just forgot to do that. Sorry.  
For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
If it were me I would go for a good tube amp. One that is not fat sounding. That can also be caused by the tube amp / speaker combo. so make sure that the work well with each other. So now that you are there you can try some different preamplifier...