

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Transfiguration cartridges. What tube phono stages would you use them with ?
ljgmPerhaps you didn't have your cartridge set up correctly or the Zesto not set properly, there are so many options, or perhaps you were running into a preamplifier that was not resolving or perhaps you speakers were  not transparent enough to al... 
Michael Fremer's system
entropy........thank god for entropy.......which I know what it was...like a Chardonay?  
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
Here is a thought: If the area of the exterior of the car is 100 times larger then the area of the drivers then if it moves with only 100th of the energy of the drivers the volume will be equal to that of the driver. I wonder if that same physics ... 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
dill You are correct about very low bass notes having very long waves. Not sure those 6" speakers in the door or even a 12" sub in the trunk are pumping out 30Hz bass loud enough that I can hear it from my car in open air. 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
So these stupid drivers are only 6". I would postulate that the waves coming off the back directly towards the metal sheeting on the door get that resonating and perhaps at a much lower frequency then the driver is producing, remembering that larg... 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
gdnrbobWell you have hit a nerve. I majored in English.  English Lit. Thanks for the correction. Would you mind editing my posts, the pay sucks but we offer health care and a pension plan.  
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
I was driving with the stereo on, put my hand out the window, ( the left hand not the right hand ) and felt the door panel. It was resonating like crazy and the volume was not turned up. So that got me thinking which for me is a lot more difficult... 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
dwellerIn Texas you can be shot....... 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
dillThe noise that we hear is not from the front of the driver.  
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
viridian you better watch what you say, that is probably my kids you are talking about............. 
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light
The bass must sound louder outside the owners car then in it or they would get sick at their stomach. I wonder if they put a little dampening behind the drivers if that would help. 
Source Loudspeaker Technologies?
Look like they are from China. Yes No.  
Michael Fremer's system
I am not at all sure the point of the video was to convince anyone of anything. On your suggestion I watched for about 6 minutes, then I I put some music on and opened another bottle of red wine and relaxed.... 
addysonKidding about the tubes......just hard to believe a passive pre would be DOA, I mean what the H can go wrong. 
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
stargazerMy bad. You don't need to hire any experts. Surely you can tell from this thread, if you want experts you have come to the right place. These guys can give you all the advice you could ask for and at the right price............Free..........