
Responses from sonofjim

Best sounding Krell ?
I have a FPB 600 that I've been using with BAT tubed preamps for about 10 years now. It's always been a wonderfully lively and dynamic combination. Negative opinions on Krell products have prompted me to audition many amps in that time in search o... 
Heaver grade vinyl vs Standard
I would remind everyone that new reissues on 180 or 200 gm vinyl being worse than originals is the general rule, it's not an absolute one. There are great sounding reissues by Classic, Speaker's Corner, Sundazed, Simply Vinyl and even MOFI. In som... 
EAR 834P + Bent Audio Stepups = greatness?
Dan'ed, Your post above confuses me. Are you saying that $5000 won't come close to buying Raul's phono stage? What would the price be? Do you know? What do you mean by "out of your league"? I'm just curious about what he's come up with. I don't co... 
EAR 834P + Bent Audio Stepups = greatness?
Where is there more information on Raul's phono stage? I'm pretty happy with my modded GCPH but I'm always on the lookout for a great phono stage at a reasonable (under $5000) price. 
Heaver grade vinyl vs Standard
In very few cases will a 180 gm, 200 gm reissue ever come close to the sound of a good original pressing. It's even more unusual to beat the original reguardless of thickness. Luckily, many times a good original can be had for 3-5 dollars verses 3... 
Need Help on Phono Cable
Stringreen put me onto Anti cables and I'll back him up on their great performance. A lot of cables will do a great job but at this price, the anti cables seem like a no brainer. Cables are not the most important place to spend your hard earned mo... 
Mint Tractor
I would add that Yip sent me a sample of his Mint LP solution and that is a great product as well. I will likely order some when my current bottle of Disc Doctor is gone. In his last e-mail he actually rememberred my wife's name and wished her well. 
Alternative to VPI motor for Aries 3?
Maybe I'm more sensitive to noise than some, I don't know, but I would not describe my double motor assembly with rim drive as dead quiet. When listening for it, there is a faint whirring mechanical noise but this never is audible during playback ... 
Difference between the VPI Aries 2 & Scoutmaster?
I think the fully modded Scout line will defintely compete with the Aries line. I have the fully modded SSM and it is hard to imagine that an ultra expensive table would be worth the sacrifice. The question for you is whether you'd be better off u... 
Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches
I agree. The 5A doesn't need a lot of power in theory but lots of power really brings them to life. They manage to never sound overly bright to me though. 
Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches
I use my 5As with a combo no one has ever mentioned or probably even thought of, BAT VK51 se through a Krell FPB 600. Why? Because that's what I happened to have when I bought the 5As. My ambition has always been to switch to an Ayre system but th... 
Best recorded rock album.Amused to Death.R.Waters?
Don't have Amused to Death but Pros and Cons is also very good sounding. This morning just listened to Eric Clapton Unplugged German import and Hall&Oates Abandoned Luncheonette, both excellent recordings as well. 
Phono Preamp Suggestions?
Sounds like good stuff but even the 1500 is higher than I'd like to go any time soon.(I've got 4 little kids to support...not to mention their mom)Oh well, the modded GCPH really is quite good. Meanwhile, maybe I'll be watching for your 1500 to sh... 
Phono Preamp Suggestions?
Just curious about the prices of these Allnic pieces. I've never heard of them and can't find prices on the net. If they're as good as you say and reasonably priced, I'd like to know more about them. From the site they appear to be well designed a... 
Phono Preamp Suggestions?
Vleena2, Glad to see someone else appreciates what the GCPH can do. I never noticed a lean sound with mine before but certainly not since the Cullen circuits mod. It's not real cheap but I think the mod makes it hard to rationalize spending thousa...