
Responses from sonofjim

worse entertainer or performer of all time??
OK. She seems like a nice girl and probably deserves the benefit of the doubt but I must say it...Rebecca Black. 
I sit in awe of the music creators .
It's getting to be a lost art with modern artists sampling and covering and stealing all they can from the past. I agree, a great performance is most impressive when the performer is also the creator. How satisfying putting great music together mu... 
40th Anniversary Aqualung is KILLER
I'm confused at the variation in pricing I seem to find on this set. Elusive Disc and Acoustic Sounds both list it at $179. Amazon has the price at $112.13. This is the same thing right? (Hardback book, LP, 2 CDs, DVD, and a Blu-ray). Why such a b... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Some will disagree without a doubt, but Stockfisch records have always sounded great to me. The latest In the Groove series by Allan Taylor and Sara K are no exception. The Sara K takes top honors for me but I've always liked her. Her Waterfalls L... 
My favorite Steely Dan song has to be...
Any Major Dude and Hey Ninteen tie. Slight edge to Hey Ninteen just because of memories it conjures up which are mostly good ones in hindsight. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Thanks Lewm. MY SP10s are rebuilt by Bill and at the time he informed me that the chips were also used in thousands of less expensive tables. I have no reason to doubt him and I've never seen a table this easy to live with that also outperforms an... 
"Paper Airplane"
I agree it's not my favorite. There's really no way I wasn't going to try this one though so I don't regret buying it. I still find it listenable anyway. 
Tubed Linestage
I used to use a FPB 600 and tried an ARC preamp with it and really loved the sound. It's what convinced me there was something to the tube sound. Audition in your system first if possible but I think you'll be fine. 
QRP pressing of "Tea for the Tillerman"
I agree Tea for the Tillerman is relatively easy to find in good condition. Not as easy as Rumors though and look at the excitement generated by that recent reissue. I ordered Tea and Folk Singer as much to check out the products from Chad's new f... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
Where is the UNI tractor available? The listing here has expired. Is this because it's back ordered or between production runs? The Mint is cartridge specific when used on SME tonearms. I assume the UNI would be a good alternative and not cartridg... 
Where is the next generation of direct drive?
I'm in the market for a Denon DP-100/M but it looks to me like the NVS would equal or exceed it. Unfortunately, I could buy three DP-100's for the price of one NVS (assuming I could find them). Mike, you must either be single or have a very unders... 
Where is the next generation of direct drive?
I was not aware of the Wave Kinetics NVS until recently. It does look like an intriguing design and perhaps the best answer to the OP's question. Unfortunately, the cost is prohibitive for all but a few. Still, for a table of this magnitude it rea... 
Steam cleaning records 2
When I was at Walgreens a few months ago, I saw a steamer that looks to be the same thing as the Perfection. It's green instead of red and was called Living Solutions as I recall. That's probably the route I'll go when my last Perfection gives out. 
Where is the next generation of direct drive?
I hear a difference in favor of DD. There are many belt drives I've heard that I could easily enjoy but DD is not only more convenient, it also is more dynamic with more bass slam. The problem with making modern "advances" in DD technology is the ... 
G'N'R Chinese Democracy LP
Two years later and little or no expectations, I found this album at 1/2 Price Books for $9.99. It really should have been released as an Axl Rose solo album, this is not GNR. More like Queensryche if you ask me. It's also not at all bad, in fact ...