
Responses from soix

Have a better suggestion for HT audio?
Very good points tls.  I'll need to look into this further.  One question is if all channels not being driven as hard (i.e. rear channels) would that provide more headroom to the front channels?  Also noticed 4Ts are a bit more sensitive than the ... 
Back to it - Practical speaker upgrade
For timing and timbre a couple of my faves are Linn and ATC.  If you can find a pair the Linn 5140 are beautiful looking floorstanders.  In either case you'd likely need to upgrade your amp unless you buy active version of the speakers, which migh... 
$800 to spend on speakers, $1500 on whole system
Congrats on a nice little integrated.  As you are probably aware this will limit your speaker choices somewhat given the amps' power output into 8 and 4 Ohms.  I agree you should take your amp with you to the dealer (or even better, have the deale... 
Integrated Amp Vs. Outboard DAC
Also agree with the above.  I've had my amp for almost 20 years but have had four DACs in my system over that time.  Buy a great integrated you can keep and upgrade DACs as needed.  Best of luck.  
Powerful, smallish floorstanders with high WAF?
Not sure if they're still available, but there was a pair of Joseph Audio Pearls for sale here that are not too big, very nice looking, and will sound substantially more muscular.  If not their Perspective speaker would also be worth a hard look. ... 
Any suggestion on DAC below $1,500
There's a Bel Canto DAC3.5VB MkII with Virtual Battery Supply for sale here a little over your price.  I had a DAC3VB in my system on demo and it was silly good.  The VBS brings the DAC to an altogether higher level that makes it truly special (I ... 
Recommendations? 2-Channel Audio System Speaker Cables and RCA Connects and Amp Power Cord
First, I'd buy used cables and just sell them for little or no loss if they don't work.  You'll save a bundle and cost relatively little to ship.  Given your preferences, I'd buy some used Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II interconnects and Satori ... 
Joseph Audio RM25XL
They are not thin sounding, but neither do they embellish the mids/lower mids that some speakers do to artificially enhance the midrange.  That's why I called them linear.  If you think you might prefer a boosted midrange you might prefer a speake... 
Joseph Audio RM25XL
I wouldn't categorize them as cool or warm.  To me they sound linear and naturally neutral.  
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
There's a pair of Joseph Audio Pearls for sale here now.  Very very rare to see for sale here.  Only $11,200.  Just buy them so I don't have to get divorced and take out a second mortgage.  
New Member Needs Help
The good news is you're retired so you have lots of time.  This is a great opportunity to really have fun with this rather than viewing it as daunting.  Since you've been out of the game for so long your hearing and tastes in sound have probably c... 
Floorstanding Speakers Advice
There's a pair of Joseph Audio RM25XL for sale here at an attractive price that do everything you're looking for.  They're a pretty easy load so likely no need to biamp. If stereo sound is important I'd also strongly recommend you upgrade to a goo... 
Best speakers for $3000
There's a pair of Joseph Audio RM25XLs for sale here a bit below your price target.  I know you mentioned the SF Venere above, and having had them both in my system (Venere 2.5) I'd put the RM25XLs at a significantly higher level in terms of refin... 
How important are speaker cables to the sound emanating from the speakers?
As with most things in audio the effect of speaker cables will be very system dependent.  Case in point, my experience has been the opposite of 69pete's in that in my system interconnects produce very noticeable differences whereas with speaker ca... 
Best integrated amps under $9k
Agree with others you need to finalize your speakers first.  If you're considering the F208s I'd think the Totem Forest might be the more appropriate option instead of the Halk since they're more in the same price range.  Best of luck.