
Responses from soix

Test CD for positioning speakers and subwoofer
Lots of good suggestions above.  If you still can't get things dialed in completely to your satisfaction, or maybe even if you can, I'd recommend finding a way to demo something like the DSpeaker Anti-Mode Dual Core room correction device.  It may... 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
First, welcome to the splendor of the Garden State!  Things must be real bad in the UK.  Heh heh.  Anyway, try hanging a blanket over your TV.  All the reflections bouncing off that can mess with your imaging.  Been there.  Also, if you haven't al... 
Revel salon 2 vs vandersteen 5a carbons
Obviously both great speakers and will, as usual especially at this level, be a matter of personal preference, system synergy, and room interaction.  I've not heard either but did hear the original 5a well set up at a dealer for an extended demo w... 
Honing down the speaker shortlist ~$5K
I'd wait for a pair of used Joseph Audio Pulsars or go listen to the Prisms if you have a JA dealer within reach.  I'd think either would nicely check all your boxes.  Best of luck.  
help me with a DAC decision please
There's a Bel Canto DAC 3.5VB for sale here now with the VBS power supply in your price range.  I had the DAC 3VB in my system and it was outstanding (the VBS power supply makes a huge improvement over non-VB version -- I compared both in my syste... 
Please help ...integrated amp under $1200
Another vote for choosing your speakers before deciding on an amp.  Do it the other way around at your own risk. 
Improving 2- Channel Soundstage
Can you give more detail about your equipment, cables, etc. and also your room dimensions and setup?  And no, putting another pair of speakers behind your front pair to achieve depth of stage or anything else is not a good idea.  It would be an ab... 
Best amp for natural timbre of unamplified acoustic instruments & vocals w/ Revel F32?
So the Revels sound "hard, thin and sterile" with a VTL pre and a CJ amp???  You prefer tubes but these speakers are a tough load for tubes???  Um, what???  Short of you using awful interconnects and cables and/or some awful recordings that could ... 
Need assistance in selecting an integrated/power amp.
I'd strongly suggest upgrading the speakers first, then find the amp that will best drive them and sound best to you in combination.  Best of luck.  
Tube Amp vs Solid State Amp HELP
You've got pretty good speakers.  Personally I'd save up more like $800 - $1000 and buy something like a used PrimaLuna Prologue.  I think you'll be much happier in the long run.  Best of luck.  
Climbing the Preamp ladder
Not sure if it would be a step up in all areas, but there are brand new Audio Research LS17SEs for sale here now near your price range at less than half their retail price.  Also a new PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium in your price range as well.  Not f... 
Tube Amp vs Solid State Amp HELP
You keep dancing around it but have never told us what your budget is?  Without that it's impossible to give you a meaningful recommendation.  And no, don't trust Amazon reviews.  You have much more wisdom and experience here.  
New dedicated line & outlets sound worse, not better- HELP!
A couple pieces of advice I got before having my dedicated lines installed was to run all lines from the same leg of the breaker box to avoid ground loops and to not have the lines share a neutral bus.  Not sure how many lines you ran or if this i... 
Search for miracle integrated
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this so far, but I'd highly recommend at least nailing down if not outright purchasing your speakers first.  At this level all the integrateds you'd consider will be very good.  The only remaining questions are w... 
Replacement for Matrix 803 S2
Take a look at ATC.  Their dynamic capabilities paired with the incredible power and clarity of the midrange do great things for heavy rock music.  Best of luck.