Responses from soix
No love for Verity? Yeah they just don't advertise and hence don't get many reviews or much attention (kinda similar to Gershman in that regard IMHO) . However, they are among the most natural and musical speakers I've heard, which as others have said might just mea... | |
Need some recommendations for fronts in a 7.1 system in a small 9 by 10 room (1000 budget) Take a look at Aperion Audio. The center channel is critical in any home theater setup, and their 5C center channel is excellent. Pair it with their 4T small towers and I think it'd sound great in your room, and you'd be within your budget. Unl... | |
Speaker Suggestions The first speaker that jumps to mind that ticks all your boxes, other than moving up the Usher line, would be Joseph Audio. Used Profiles can be had under your low price, and used Perspectives would likely be a little over your top price. The ot... | |
Preamp - Processor for 2 channel music If priority is 2 channel, I'd invest in a good stereo pre and use a decent AVR to handle the multichannel duties. And definitely upgrade the amp to a good stereo amp that compliments your stereo pre. Your speakers are too good for mediocre upstr... | |
Tube preamp recommendations $3K-$7K range I'm in a similar situation and plan on trying a Don Sachs SP14 preamp. Best of luck. | |
Still looking for a DAC I can demo at home. . . Sounds like the Metrum Hex DAC might be right up your alley from a sonic perspective. TMR Audio is selling a used one here, and I think they might offer a 30-day return period. Worth checking out I'd think. Best of luck in your search. | |
Best option for Amp upgrade... The DNA500 is already a pretty hi-rez and detailed amp even in stock form. I think what you may be hearing, despite its many other considerable strengths, are some limitations of your preamp -- at least that's what reading reviews of your pre lea... | |
Amp upgrade / Did Classe go out of business As someone who owns equipment from a defunct manufacturer, you should think long and hard about Classe. Whether you own it short or long term you're incurring considerable risk, so unless there are no close alternatives I'd advise you to pass on ... | |
More Bad News AT Thiel I had great respect for Jim and his speakers, and I got to speak with him at length years ago and he was a true gentleman. I just can't understand why he didn't groom someone else to take over to grow his legacy into the future and avoid this exa... | |
New Vandersteens or something else? Vandys also one of my faves and tough to not just say move on up to Treos. If you haven't heard them before, you might give ProAc and Joseph Audio a listen just for reference if nothing else. To my ears they all combine fantastic imaging with gr... | |
Higher end value cables I also have the DH Labs BL1, and it's a good interconnect for the money but not really what you're looking for sonically. Although not absolute, I generally agree with your instinct to go with copper interconnects given your stated preferences. ... | |
Higher end value cables Ah. Sorry I misread your post. So, just for reference and now that we know what you're looking for, what interconnects and speaker cables are you currently using? It just helps to know what your current reference is to help make better recomme... | |
Higher end value cables If you know which aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and/or know areas in your system you'd like to improve, read some reviews to see which cables seem to excel in those areas. When you find one or two that seem interesting, ... | |
KEF, ProAc, Monitor Audio and others Given what you're looking for you should try to hear Joseph Audio Perspectives if at all possible. You seem to know what you like when you hear it so just trust your own ears and forget all this other hoopla. Best of luck. | |
Opinions on Various McCormack amps To answer OP's last question, years ago I asked Steve a similar question and he said the DNA 125/225 were roughly on par with his B revisions of the older units. So that would make the Rev A amps a sizeable step up from the stock 125/225.Might be... |