Responses from soix
Power cables and sharp dimensional imaging on a budget, Zu Audio and Furutech or Oyaide +1 whoopycat. But agree with others that upstream electonics are also critical. If I'm you, the first thing I'd do if you haven't already done so is to experiment with speaker placement. It's free and can have a huge impact on things like 3D im... | |
Another preamp suggestion thread for my Kharma/Mac combo You've already got some great candidates on your list, so I'll add a few more "off the radar" options that might be worth a look in your price range. Sachs SP14 -- this is one I'm seriously considering myself. A big bonus is that I think they off... | |
Amp recommendations Congrats on your excellent new speakers. If I'm you I'd call Martin Logan to see which amps they'd recommend that drive their speakers well given their fairly uncommon impedance curve. I'd also read a bunch of ML speaker reviews to see if review... | |
Recommendation for a power conditioner I like my APC H15. Built like a tank and has has lots of outlets. But what sets it apart from many others is that it has power regulation that can mitigate incoming power fluctuations thereby lowering stress on components' power supplies. It ha... | |
$10K-15K short list? I'll add Joseph Audio Perspectives to the mix as ones to audition if you can. | |
Warm, rich sounding interconnects? Original version of Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference would be a great choice, and there's a used pair here now for $250. | |
whats the very best sounding cables for realistic money Best is relative in this hobby, no more so than when it comes to cables. Would be helpful to know what you're currently using and what you're looking to improve upon. I'll just say Acoustic Zen Silver Reference interconnects and Satori or Hologr... | |
Opinions on old B&W's A good while back I got to directly compare the original Nautilus 803 to Joseph Audio RM25, Soliloquy 6.2, and a ProAc pair I can’t recall. What I do recall very clearly is that there wasn’t a single area I preferred the 803s to any of the other s... | |
2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K Of the speakers I've heard, used Joseph Audio Pearls or Vandy 5A Carbons would be up there. Speakers I haven't heard but would also consider are Rockport Atria and Vapor Audio Nimbus. So many others but just off the top... | |
Mini System The Audio Engine HD3 would be worth a look. They're wireless, easy Bluetooth hookup for internet radio, and he can just plug his CD player right onto the speakers since they're self powered and he'd be all set. I'd think this would sound much be... | |
Where to begin when choosing new setup?? Start by finding the speakers that really do it for you, then find an amp that mates well with them sonically and has enough power to drive them effectively. If you give us an idea of what you're looking to improve upon, what aspects of sound rep... | |
Tube Integrated Amp to Drive Floorstanding Speakers? Dude, you live on Long Island NY and you think it's difficult to demo equipment??? Plenty of dealers on LI, and a quick trip to NYC opens up tons more options. It doesn't get much better than that for hearing equipment. C'mon man!!! | |
HT receiver to separate amp - tips? I totally get what you're trying to do, but matching the middling performance of the preamp section of a mass market AVR with a presumably higher quality amp is kind of a waste. I agree with the above -- better to invest in a good prepro (i.e. An... | |
Tube Integrated Amp to Drive Floorstanding Speakers? Think you're putting the cart before the horse here. Figure out which speakers that really move you and do what you want and then look for the integrated that can drive them properly and synergize sonically with them. This is particularly import... | |
Lehmann Black Cube SE II or Manley Chinook? While I've not heard them, I've seen numerous threads where people pretty strongly preferred pres from Allnic and Herron to the Chinook. Might want to see what's available from them at a similar price point. FWIW and best of luck. |