
Responses from soix

Current speaker threads are boring
Inna, you should start a Thurston Howell III audio site where rich pricks can freely discuss their wares without fear of retribution from commoners or Tekton DI owners.  
Current speaker threads are boring
For me, if I've got the scratch to buy $50k+ speakers I know the candidates that interest me and don't need any help deciding, so I'm not asking here.  Also, I'd guess that once speakers at this level are bought they aren't changed all that often ... 
Spend more money on the amp or the pre-amp?
At that price point you'll probably be better off looking at an integrated amp, and you'll need one less pair of interconnects.  
Thiel 7.2 - Classe, Krell or Bryston?
McCormack DNA500 might also be worth a look.  There's also a pair of Clayton M100 monoblocs for sale here now that I bet would sound sweet with the 7.2s.  Just a couple other options.  Best of luck.  
Ref 3a mm in price range ?
The de Capos are great.  At that price range for those characteristics I'd also look at Joseph Audio Prisms or, better yet, used Pulsars.  Best of luck.  
I think your biggest concern is which interconnect to buy that will work best for your tastes and in your system.  It would be helpful to know what interconnects you're using now and what you're areas you're looking to improve upon and you'll like... 
Manley Chinook question
I remember a while back some people posted they much preferred the sound of comparable Allnic and Herron phono pres over the Chinook.  I have no idea -- just passing it on FWIW.   
Will a sub woofer mess up my tone and phase aligned speakers
Agree that Vandy 2wq sub is the way to go.  Once you have the sub dialed in you won't want to listen without it anymore.  It's a game changer.  
Modern Processors, What to DO?!?
Any processor you add to your system will likely change the sound, which doesn't sound like something you'd prefer.  If I were you I'd just get a good AV receiver with preamp outs and use that for HT processing and powering the center and surround... 
Don Sach's pre amp
Sorry but I have to ask some stupid questions as a prospective buyer who can't find the answers.  What's the difference between Don's model 1 and 2 preamps?  What's the difference between Don's version of the SP14 and the VTA version (design, pric... 
Newbie - Replacing front speakers & going 5.0! Advice needed :)
Agree with above.  Nice choices with speakers and receiver BTW.  If music is a priority, get the best front L/R speakers you can afford.  I'd listen to the silvers and see if they sound significantly better to you than the bronze.  If so, save up ... 
PREAMP technology shift? - Class A/ balanced/ dual-mono/ zero feedback vs. op-amp preamps
"I like the idea of a no-fuss, very clean ss, valuing sound stage and detail over warmth"There's a Bryston BP26 for sale here now that nails this in spades. 
McCormack DNA-1 Gold or DNA-225
Congrats!  As a long-time DNA-0.5 Rev A (now considering upgrade myself) owner I'm sure you'll be thrilled.  Keep us posted once you get it broken in.  
Moving up from Totem Arro
That's a tough question.  Normally I'd recommend something like ProAc monitors and be on my way, but you've got good speakers that obviously do many things you like.  In this instance I'd be tempted to try a tubed pre first (since it sounds like y... 
McCormack dna1 to Sony 1040
What's your budget for a preamp?  Input impedance of the DNA-1 is 100k ohms, which might be tough to match with most tube preamps, no?