
Responses from soix

Home theater bypass
You connect the CDP to any line level (non-phono, let's say the "tuner") input on the CJ and the L/R preouts from the Onkyo to another line level (let's say the "ancillary") input also on the CJ.  When you want to listen to 2-channel you choose th... 
Home theater bypass
It depends.  When you're doing surround the AVR controls the volume, but for 2-channel not only does the stereo pre control the volume, the AVR is COMPLETELY out of the playback chain.  This is the real benefit of this setup.  Instead of swapping ... 
need opinions on cdp with built in volume control up to $2000
I think you're greatly limiting your choices and asking for more future pain by requiring an integrated CD player.  Almost all the innovation on the digital front is taking place in DACs.  And look at the problem your facing now and will continue ... 
Home theater bypass
What model CJ preamp do you have?  I thought they've been including HT bypass on their preamps for years.  Let's just start there.  
Upgrading my Redbook after 18 years
I'd agree with @audioengr and keep your transport and get a good jitter-reducing device, then get a good DAC -- there are so many more great ones out there these days than standalone players, and good digital cables are also very reasonable.  Sinc... 
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist
@gravyrobbers91 -- Fair enough on the Hafler, but don't neglect the preamp as it will be critical to your 2-channel performance and getting the most out of whatever speakers you choose.  
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist
"Jumped the gun on a Hafler DH-220"I'd agree with that.  Why would you buy an amp before you even know which speakers you're choosing?  Even if it has sufficient power, how do you know its native sonic character is a good match for your tastes muc... 
Looking at Brooklyn DAC+ or possibly Supremo
I'd add the Metrum Onyx to your list maybe for a different option.  It's an R2R NOS DAC (I believe the others you're looking at are upsampling DACs), which some consider to have a very natural and organic sound.  It trickles down a good bit of tec... 
Interesting (or not) dilemma
Yeah, I think just pulling your speakers out further from the back wall should help quite a bit, unless maybe your room is square?  I used to pull my speakers 5 feet into the room for serious listening and pushed them back when my wife started yel... 
The new magnificent Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL Preamplifier
@teajay -- as milpai asked earlier, do you have any impressions of how this pre stacks up against the Backert Rhumba 1.2?  Didn't you review that one a little while back?  Thanks for any thoughts.  
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist
Yeah as @smrex13 said, I'd have concerns the OP's receiver can drive the LS50s properly with 90wpc into 8 Ohms and only 116wpc into 4 Ohms.  Those numbers don't indicate the beefiest of power supplies to me, and it's also why I recommended the rel... 
What is the best system one can make under $5000
Nice catch on the Hegel @ethos123. Here’s a link to another H160 for $2k but may be somewhat negotiable and still under budget with the Revels. 
What is the best system one can make under $5000
Since you're looking for fairly neutral and uncolored sound, there's a pair of Revel F206 here for $2500 and a Hegel H160 (that has all the connections you're looking for) for $1400 that will likely sound fantastic and leave you with another $1100... 
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist
You've got some very good recommendations here.  I'll add the Silverline Preludes, which are slim floorstanders that will get you down into the 30Hz range and are also a fairly easy load on your amp.  There's a new pair available here now for $110... 
Interesting (or not) dilemma
Assuming you can't get rid of your wife anytime soon for whatever reason, the best solution may be some form of room EQ.  Something like the DSpeaker anti-mode 2.0 would take care of the hump and probably some other issues, and I've seen them pop ...