
Responses from soix

Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Looking for some thoughts from 2170 owners, particularly those who had previously used tubed components.  I've been using various solid state pre and amp combos forever, but I was looking forward to switching to a tubed preamp and enjoying that as... 
Int Amp for Thiel CS 3.7
The T+A, Vitus, and Gryphon amps (not familiar with Luxman) are obviously all fantastic and will drive your speakers without breaking a sweat.  At this level it comes down purely to personal taste and system synergy.  If you can't hear all of them... 
Mccormack dna-1 protection problem
Call SMcAudio.  You can probably talk to Steve directly and he'll tell you what's what.  He was great and helped me fix a fuse problem with my DNA-0.5 Rev A a while back. 
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
@cd318 -- agree with your point about cabinet resonances, but given that I was surprised at your Harbeth recommendation.  From John Atkinson's measurements of the 40.1:"There are no obvious discontinuities in the impedance traces that would sugges... 
Speaker design customer feedback
Man, the speaker market is so competitive with so many options out there from established manufacturers and direct sellers that I'll just wish you the best of luck in finding some point of differentiation.  Kind of like introducing a new craft bee... 
Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???
You've conveyed features you want in a preamp, but you haven't mentioned anything about what sound characteristics are most important to you or what you'd like to improve upon over what you have currently.  You'll get much better recommendations h... 
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
Don't forget the Joseph Audio Perspectives if you can find a JA dealer -- it'll be worth your while given what you're looking for.  
Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates
The first thing that jumped to mind when you mentioned finesse and more power is combining a tubed preamp with a Class-A solid state amp.  Not sure if you're looking new or used, but if the latter pairing something like an Allnic L3000 pre with a ... 
Stand mount loudspeakers
@astewart8944 thanks for the setup details.  Sounds like a good system and that you thought the demo was up to typical JA standards and that the Pearls sounded good?@tutetibiimperes thanks for your impressions.  Heard lots of positive things about... 
Do I need higher quality power cords?
My unfortunate experience has been that everything matters to some extent or another. To the OP, what I’m planning on doing is taking advantage of the generous risk-free trial periods offered by some direct sellers like Cullen, Triode Wire Labs, e... 
Holo Audio Spring Dac, At last a Stereophile review and tests
I really enjoyed reading that review. It was very insightful and had a nice and honest tone about it. And I love that he compared it to other similar competitors, which makes a review so much more useful and informative -- at least to me. I didn’t... 
Int Amp for Thiel CS 3.7
There are a couple Vitus RI100s available here now that I'd think would sound phenomenal with your Thiels.  Best of luck.  
Speaker recomendation
Yup. Ain’t nuthin’ getting in here. I recently sent a coffee mug to a friend who works with some, um, intellectually-challenged coworkers. It said, "I can explain it to you, I just can’t understand it for you." Like I said before, I’m done so I’ll... 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
Like others I leave mine on unless I'm leaving for at least a few days.  Warm-up time was definitely part of my reason, but I had another reason that may or may not be valid so maybe an engineering type or someone more knowledgeable can chime in h... 
Speaker recomendation
@audiotroy It’s like talking to a wall. Somebody else wanna help me here? This has nothing to do with my "opinion" of you or anything else here. It has everything to do with documented facts and your unethical behavior on this site. I apologize to...