
Responses from sogood51

Drive one nuts???
I have read posts along this line before...speakers I guess? My speakers through a fairly large soundstage so I don't have any real problem with that...I guess their is a price to pay for pin-point imaging.Dave 
How to balance tube on top, solid on the bottom?
Like Jeff says, you need to be able to attenuate the more sensitive amp. An active crossover is always best. You could try these although I've never used them myself:RCA line-level attenuator: 
differences between tube and solid state designs
AudiofeilI'm driving my Apogee Duetta Signatures with Rogue Audio tube monos. A good number of the newer tube designs can drive some of the Apogees and Maggies without problems (better power supply) than the older "classic" gear. I was using a Kre... 
A Question for Maggie lovers/owners
" 07-24-06: GuidocoronaMRT, what Maggies do you own? On Apogees my only concern would be that of long term reliability, as the manufacturer has expired a while ago"Apogees are rebuilt on a regular basis ...just like Maggies. The Apogee tooling and... 
Shaft Style Car Radio
McIntosh and Rolls Royce...yep...classic pair.Dave 
Who got the Apogee " Full Range " sold recently.??
I don't know who bought them, I do know that $3,700 was not the price they sold for...turned into a bidding war. Those things are pretty rare on the market.Dave 
member system photos???
Trade offs for one reason or another...wife/money/living space, ect, ect. Very few people have dedicated rooms I'd least not large ones.I have an pics are two years old.The guys with mega bucks (and you know who you are)...n... 
Need a replacement for a Infinity RS-1B crossover 
What's your system response on " Feels like home"
I have the recording, "Feels like home" sounds a little better than "come sail away". Both are good recordings that only fall down in the area of drum reproduction when compared to other very well recorded, pat Barber (All)...Willie Nel... 
When showing your system to others, what do you do
Depends, if it's a short term listen I pick out something that I know is well recorded after asking what type of music they, classical/rock/country...ect.If we are going to spend a good while listening to music then I play music that we ... 
If you have a "kick booty" DAC, does the transport
My DAC is pretty old, (Counterpoint DA-10a)....still, I could clearly hear the difference between the three players and one dedicated transport I have tried with it.There would be cases I'd think where you may hear little or no difference for othe... 
I'm Ready to go TUBE
I pretty much agree with amps sound even more different than solid state amps. You need a plan and lots of research because your not going to get a chance to listen to very many unless you live in a very large city.I have used a tub... 
sub for $3500 or less
Take a look at SVS subs.... 
Dual Subwoofer Question
I don't see any reason why you "must have" identical subs...should work fine as long as you have independent control over each sub.Dave 
a little dinner music
"Houston Person"....mellow tenor saxophone"Chris Botti"...mellow trumpetDave