
Responses from sogood51

Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Pubul57The passive does not need to be better than the only needs to be "as good", ($$$) saved.Of course, only (you and your ear) will give you that answer.Dave 
what are your most favored recordings ?
MrtennisHere you go: you have a subwoofer or two they will get a very good workout...lots of 20hz stuff in these two.Note: "Waterworks" is a two cd set. You can listen to the complete cd (MP3) at the li... 
what are your most favored recordings ?
Humm, only five. Well it's been newage and subwoofer week at my house.... I'll have to leave some good ones out I guess.1. ARCHETRIBE...."Waterworks", (Matthew Davidson)2. ARCHETRIBE...."Earthtones", (Matthew Davidson)3. RABBIT-PROOF FENCE...."Lon... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
I had a transformer based passive for a while, (Bent Audio TVC)..."extreamly good sound" untill I made many system changes, ie...amp, speakers, and new (much larger) room. This caused my move back to an active preamp a couple of years ago.I'm now ... 
subwoofers or not for bookshelfs?
REL subwoofers are good subwoofers...however, they are no better than another good subwoofer, except to their owners. Pretty much true with any component.The best subwoofer (or subwoofers) for your system should be based on... your speakers, room,... 
subwoofers or not for bookshelfs?
Subwoofers work very well with bookshelf speakers that are missing the bottom two octaves, ie...20hz-80hz. Smaller bookshelf speakers (above 80hz range) require sub placement very near the speakers because some male vocals would be reproduced by t... 
What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000
$10,000...I'd find a larger pair of Apogees... (the Fullrange comes to mind), in need of repair.Send them to Bill Thalmann at (MUSIC TECHNOLOGY, INC.) for total ribbon rebuild...bah-da-bing, under $10,000 "world class speakers". Something along th... 
QUAD vs Martin Logan vs Magnepan
Of those brands...Maggie 20 series would be my top choice (you will need a very large room)...none of the other Maggies beat the Quads IMHO. Matin Logan...I could only own the CLS's (with subs)...maybe?...I've never heard them with subs to be hone... 
Low watt tube amps/pros/cons
"Anyone heard a KT88 tube that was dynamic in the bass and highs?"Sure, mine are...If they were not, I would change tubes.Dave 
dual & where to install?
My subs sound their best, (most musical)....behind, and just to the inside of my speakers. My room is 25' wide...this places the subs at around the 1/3rd room width points on that wall with the fronts at 24" out.I also got good bass levels in the ... 
Sony XA777ES or Rega Apollo for Redbook CD's
I had an XA-777es for around a year..."extreamly good" SACD player and only a "pretty good" CD player. Now that I'm getting back into SACD's....mostly classical and jazz, I wish I still had it.My little Pioneer 563A SACD player falls very short of... 
Sure, try some tube amps, replace ribbons with newer "GRAZ" replacements, active bi-amp, replace woofer with newer better model....any, or all... should give some improvement.Other things...placement, better spikes, room treatments, subwoofers.Dave 
Onkyo SV828 THX runs very warm
I've own one of those...bought it new around 9-10 years good as it gets, without one problem! An Onkyo best buy that I will keep untill the day it dies.It's somewhat rare to find a receiver that has both...amp-in and pre-outs.Dave 
6550 tube vs KT88
HeHe...I like your posts Bartok, I hope Tvad can learn from you...:DDave 
Your Future System, within reach
Well, I may be blind in one ear...and can't hear out of the other, but...It would take mega-thousands to significantly upgrade from where I'm at now....I'm several thousand short and expect to stay that way right up to the end.Besides...I would no...