
Responses from sns

matching tt to music
Tvad, almost in complete agreement with you! The only thing I disagree with, is the mid-fi gear thing. I had a nearly full Dynaco setup with Thorens TD160, later Linn Lp12, in the mid to late 70's, wonderful warm sound! Got away from audio, sold i... 
matching tt to music
Tobias, it may have been the tt, the lp, the rest of the setup, your perception. Its hard to tell in a demo room at a show. I've heard claims the VPI is not musical. If this is true, why are all these people buying VPI, are they fools, inexperienc... 
matching tt to music
Onhwy61,no, you don't understand me correctly. I am perfectly happy with the VPI when synergy is attained. It sounds wonderful with well recorded lps and lousy with lousy recordings, isn't that how it should be. The Thorens, which is a lower resol... 
matching tt to music
Tobias, I almost pulled the trigger on the same Scheu tt and tonearm you own at an audio show a few months ago. Even had a home demo setup with the dealer, PrimeOne Media out of Canton Mi. Ended up with the VPI setup because I ran into an opportun... 
matching tt to music
I seem to be getting a number of recommendations, both from here, and another forum for the Dynavector 10x5 over the MM cartridges. Anyone disagree? I can get the Dyna's for a very good price, so this works for me. I just wonder about MC's going t... 
Tube phono preamp help please.
I'd pick the Tube Box over the Jolida, warmer and more musical in my setup. The Bellari is also a contender at a much lower price. 
matching tt to music
Tvad, Ejlif, my next upgrade to the VPI will be the XX2. I don't think hooking up any MC cartridge to the MM inputs on the Cayin would be to my liking, I do know there is enough gain, and the loading would be correct. I'm just not sure I'm looking... 
matching tt to music
Dan ed, interesting to note. At a recent audio show I spoke with perhaps 20 audio dealers/distributors about whether I should purchase a VPI or Nottingham tt. I specifically asked which would be the more musical sounding. About 70% of them (most d... 
matching tt to music
Yes, I need a MM cartridge, the MC would require constant changing of cables. The Cartridge Man sounds fine, but beyond my budget, I'm looking to spend about $400 (used or new). The tizzy top end on the AT may or may not be a bother, this tt and t... 
CDP Isolation?
Tom, this is all true. Any one isolation scheme doesn't answer all the problems, so you have to go by what sounds best for you.Actually, the best isolation for a cdp I ever tried was hanging my player with fishline from the ceiling. I would like t... 
Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?
My next speakers will likely be Kharma 3.2's. I am presently using an Art Audio Carissa Signature (18wpc, 845 tubes) with Merlin VSM-MM and Superbam. I believe the Kharma and Merlins present a very similar load to the amp (Kharma may have slightly... 
CDP Isolation?
I also like the ball bearing type devices vs. spikes or cones on my digital. I use the Aurios with the tungsten ball upgrade. 
Black Sand Silver ref v Audio Magic
You could also look into the PAD cables, espcially the Dominus, warm, and fuller in bass than the AirSine. I suspect the AirSine with the Oyaide gold connectors is the fullest sounding AirSine, I'm quite sure it is more in your face than the AirSi... 
lps sound bad
You guys make perfect sense on listening perspectives. Probably one big reason I can't listen to poorly recorded lps right now is that my analog setup is new and in constant flux at this point. Whenever new equipment is introduced into my system I... 
lps sound bad
Stiltskin, Meddle is incredible, it would be awesome to hear it on quality lp. Jaybo, I recall my Meddle (US Harvest) sounding rather lousy, however, that was in a prior vinyl setup, will have to try it again this weekend.Thanks to all for the hea...