
Responses from sns

New to Analog and just played my first record in
Grannyring, I'm right in the middle of what seems a long, long, road to getting my analog to sound the way I want. Tvad's experience mirrors mine, the only difference is, I have around 2,000 lps so I'm very motivated to get my vinyl setup right. I... 
5 Years or More?
At this point, I think the Kharmas would be the only thing to replace my Merlin VSM-MMs. That won't be happening soon. 
lps sound bad
My Atlantic pressing has the same number codes, although followed with GIF on side 2, GIA on side 1. I also have a C6 or Cb opposite on side 1, what I believe is fH6 on opposite side of side 2. I also have a chet and some other markings I can't ma... 
lps sound bad
I have the Atlantic label pressing. I believe the Album Discography website is correct, in that I seem to recall buying this new, some years (early 80's) after it's original release. This also does not have the dual fold cover. 
lps sound bad
I played my Cotillion pressing of the first ELP album Thursday night. Sound was nicely transparent/detailed, but the bass drums on Tank didn't have the impact it should have, this should be foundation shaking bass. Don't know if its my pressing or... 
Update on VPI and classic rock lps
Ehaller, that is a damn good album, I'll have to search to see if I have it. I still have about half my albums (aprox. 1,000) in storage, I hand clean each thoroughly, a very time consuming project, hard to even get 100 in a full day. I recall see... 
reel to reel
The Technics are nice. I use a Revox A77 Mk.IV which I've modded a bit. These are very upgradeable and serviceable, as they have individual circuit boards that are easily removed. Any of these older decks need to have the electrolytic caps gone ov... 
Update on VPI and classic rock lps
OK Dave, you've convinced me to go with the springs. Islandmandan, glad you reminded me of cutting the Bright Star plinth, forgot about that one. 
correct zerostat technique
Thank you Sharpnine. I was hoping I had been using this the correct way for all these many years. I also wondered from time to time if I was doing it correctly, would try both methods. It seemed to me that noticeable dust particles were removed mu... 
Those simpler times.....
Simpler times in audio ended when I was about 15, heard a reel to reel deck in a nice system, wasn't going back to no damn clock or transistor radio! This was the 70's. In about 1973 I encountered my first audiophile, he had a pretty much all Dyna... 
Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.
I've been experimenting with amp isolation for quite a while. I don't know that there is any one answer that fits all needs, although I hear the Grand Prix is the best out there, pricey though. When listening to various isolation components I firs... 
Update on VPI and classic rock lps
Islandmandan, the Dynavector XX-2 is at the top of my list for further upgrades. Both you and Tvad mention the MintLP, I will go with this as well, can't hurt to have cartridge setup exact as possible.As for the springs under the Bright Star, I ma... 
Update on VPI and classic rock lps
Tabl10s questions why I have my amp sitting on a combo of Aurios, sorbothane and BDR pucks on bricks.That picture (in my system listing) was taken previous to my latest tweaks. The amp's four outboard legs now sit on 2 Aurios Pro Max (rear legs) a... 
Company or Solitude?
Rockadanny, exactly! My listening sessions can last up to 8 hours, sometimes the path is perfect, sometimes not so. On those night where everything is just right I'm simply blown away. I also generally listen to entire cds and/or albums, very rare... 
Audio Space amplifiers
I recently heard the Reference 3 (805 tubes), with Scheu turntable and Usher loudspeakers at an audio show. Pretty nice sound. Looks like they have pretty nice build quality.