
Responses from sns

Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Everything Bob says is right on. Now, I will play the skeptic. I've returned to vinyl four times over the years, three, almost four were met with great disappointment. Vinyl simply didn't sound as good as my digital. Finally, this fourth attempt h... 
Phono Stage Burn-in
You can't run your server dircetly thru your phono stage, need the reverse RIAA generator, I use the KAB with burn in tracks from either XLO or Stereophile Test CD3 discs. Using your turntable will cause a lot of needless wear on cartridge. 
Ann Arbor, Michigan Blues Music & Record Stores
PJ's is on Packard, very near corner of State St. Blind Pig is still on 1st street. The Ark on Main St. showcases blues from time to time, mostly folk. A few bars in Ypsilanti also have regular blues show, Michigan Ave. is where most are located. 
HELP with Room Treatment See Slideshow
The bass traps will be helpful. The asymmetry of your room is problematic, you are getting more boundary reinforcement from your right speaker vs. the left. Some kind of absorption on the right wall would be nice, except your equipment rack is the... 
Reclaim sound from the past?
I bet on the CJ amps. I previously ran CJ MV-55 with Alons, magical vocals and fantastic imaging. I've yet to match the sweet, burnished glow of those vocals in any subsequent systems. Still, I don't have any regrets in changing out that system, a... 
DAC? Does it make a big difference?
I previously owned a Mimik II, and had a Numerik and Ikemi in that same system. The Mimik is nearly up to the Numerik, I wouldn't call it a big improvement. The Ikemi is a worthwhile improvement, nice increase in resolution while retaining the mus... 
Tonearm compatibility and advice
Mingles, it's difficult to know what is causing your lack of air and spaciousness. Could be the table, arm/cartridge or table/arm/cartridge combo. My highly modded Thorens with modded Rega arm and Denon 103r has a similar lack of spaciousness comp... 
This speaker crossover. Advise on improvement
Depending on quality of present caps and resistors, you could hear anything from very little improvement to major improvement. You need to know the quality of what is in there now. I can't tell from the picture what cap that is. 
How to break in Shunyata Hydra 6 ?
You can burn in with a fan, refrigerator is better. Yes, they do sound better broken in. Unfortunately, each outlet has to be broken in to some extent, some parts of circuit shared, others not, AC outlets alone benefit from burn in. Burn in is pro... 
anyone familiar with aurios isolation
Mrtennis, I agree there is a reduction in noise and increase in focus with the Aurios and other metal ball bearing isolation devices such as Cerupucs, Cerabases,Final Labs Durumas, I also hear an increase in air/spaciousness around images with all... 
anyone familiar with aurios isolation
They are most definitely an effective isolation device, although they are not the only isolation device I use. As for amp use, I currently have my amp stand spiked directly into four Aurios, also have my amp sitting on 2 Aurios on top of stand. Sp... 
Phono Stage Advice
Missed it, I'm using 10.5i sig. arm, upgraded from 9 sig. arm. 
New Siltech Cables - has anybody heard them
I auditioned perhaps 20 digital cables over a period of months. The Siltech Golden Ridge was the second best digital cable (Purist Audio Dominus my favorite). I've also heard most of the Signature line, based on my listening, I believe you will lo... 
Phono Stage Advice
I'm using that exact combo with a Cayin Phono-One. I had to change out the coupling caps with VH Audio V-Caps in order to get a full measure of the setup. My lps now sound absolutely wonderful.The problem is ascertaining the comparative quality of... 
artemis lab, phono preamp?
I recently inquired about this phono stage at a local dealer, he doesn't keep it in stock, claims there's no demand. I never see them around either, don't know if this means their overpriced or what.