
Responses from sns

resolution and imaging
My last statement about bad recordings sounding worse may in fact be wrong. My view on higher resolution and sonically challenged recordings has evolved over the years. I'm finding that high resolution may in fact improve the sound of many lesser ... 
Connecting a subwoofer to a Joule LA-150
I would go with Brainwater's solution, I don't think you'll like the sound with the BAM between preamp and amp. Ask Bobby, he'll say the same thing. 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Good idea for modding a Thorens TD 160, if you are a tinkerer, mod it according to the analog dept website. $100-200 plus mods gets you a nice setup. I have a fully DIY modded Thorens and its pretty damn close to my Scoutmaster setup. This table i... 
resolution and imaging
Hmm. I agree with all of you. MrTennis, yes, timbre and tonality are critical, but as Shadorne mentioned, why settle for just that. There is absolutely no inherent reason why a system can't excell in tonality, timbre, PRAT, dynamics, imaging, soun... 
resolution and imaging
Wavetrader, exactly my findings. 
resolution and imaging
Its not all meaningless drivel if you want to take meaningful steps towards attaining sound that moves your soul. Understanding the language of sonic performance gives you the knowledge to reach your goals. Without knowledge of the language, this ... 
resolution and imaging
Shadorne, I partially agree with the notion that more resolution makes it an obvious recording. I agree that you may hear more disagreeable things, but lately I find that even sonically challenged recordings often have certain sonic aspects which ... 
resolution and imaging
And now you guys have me thinking about live music. I ask, should live music really be the holy grail of audio experience? Based on my live concert experiences, I would more often choose to hear my audio system over live music. I point to poor sou... 
resolution and imaging
Wavetrader, you hit the nail on the head. SET amps and coherent speakers go a long way in presenting these sonic virtues. Not to say other amp designs can't do the trick. I also agree the more resolution, the less it sounds like a recording, maybe... 
resolution and imaging
Speaking of live performance and imaging. I have a friend of 30 plus years who owns a sound reinforcement company and does some recording studio engineering. Jimmy was the first audiophile I ever encountered, this back in high school, 1970's. He r... 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Viridian, thank you, yes, music is supposed to be what this is all about! I would hate to think of a day where I'll be unable to enjoy my 6,000+ cds! 
resolution and imaging
Newbee, I would agree that live symphonic music does not contain many of the imaging cues we get in audio reproduction. However, listen to a small unamplified quartet or grouping, I do hear a lot of the same imaging cues. Still, the point isn't a ... 
resolution and imaging
Jax2, my point is not to equate audio reproduction to live music. I'm only pointing out live sound is dimensional as well. The point I want to focus on is the resolution/imaging dynamic. Also, when I speak of live sound, I'm focusing on unamplifie... 
resolution and imaging
Shadorne, yes, you are correct, you do not want an inflated image, that would sound less lifelike. The image could also be asymetrical, relative width, height or depth could be out of synch, those sorts of issues I would describe as phase issues. ... 
Dynavector cartridge upgrade decision
Interesting, I have the exact same dilemma facing me in upgrading with my Scoutmaster and Dyna 20XL. At this point I've mostly decided to go with the Te Kaitora, it seems from the few reviews I've read, the Kaitora is more harmonically developed t...