

Responses from snook2

Solid State amp with wide soundstage
You may be able to find An Aloia amp used for close to a grand. A great amp regardless of price. Sold my Wolcott amps which sold for $9000 and got better sound. 
AC Conditioners: Must Have Tweak or More Voodo
I am using an Audio Tekne power tranformer and I plug everything into it including 2 amps. Works better than the ps300, titan power block. Since I couldn't put dedicated lines in without ripping the house apart this was definitely the way to go. A... 
Attention Cary CD Owners
I had a cd 300 player and most of the parts were commercial japanese and was definitely entry level. Have they gotten any better? 
Best Pre-amp under 2k-USED
I replaced A CAT ultimate with an Aloia pre with excellent results. You may get a steal on a used one if you can find one. 
portishead, goldfrapp, looking for more ......
To go back a little.. Annette Peacock singing with Bill Brufords band and her solo stuff. Another vote for Massive Attack's Protection. 
Mark Levinson's Guide to Better Sex
I am wondering if he is using battery power to drive his..... Will he be doing any upgrades soon? 
CD Player for around 3500?
Dmll... I am curious what your findings on the build quality of the Aloia cd player and the sound are. I know the Aloia amps are extremely well built and were better sounding than the Wolcott amps in my system. Did they cut any corners? 
Attention Cary CD Owners
How do the new Cary players compare with their older cd 300 player? 
Why Don't We Hear About Polyfusion More?
Bound for Sound gave Polyfusion hi raves. 
Do you drink when you listen?
Anything works for me. Pot is very good also. 
How many power conditioners do you own and use?
I now use the Audio Tekne power conditioner. I have everything plugged into it including 2 amps. Replaced Tice and Ps power plants. 
Warm, smooth cd with good bass under 1700 used ok
If you can find the Audiomeca for that price jump on it. 
Speakers below 800
I just listened to paradigm speakers for 775 retail. They were excellent. Great imaging and totally disappeared. I forgot the model but if you check Paradigm it's probably the only speaker in the price range that I am suggesting. Bang for the buck! 
Looking for comments on Piega P2, P2 limited, P5
I hope you get a chance to listen to the Piega's. The Piega 10's are the most musically satisfying speakers I've had in my system. With their ribbon technology I doubt if you will find a better high end. The bass was also deeper and tighter than t... 
Audiophiles - Your Favorite Food??
Fresh stonecrab claws from my backyard the gulf. Best fish in the sea are Wahoo or permit raw or cooked.