
Responses from smodtactical

Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?
Has anyone compared 250.8 or 350.8 vs XA100.8 or XA160.8 ? 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
Its fine having beliefs. But having a belief and actually listening is a different thing. People have been using DI20HE after some pretty high end streamers in their chain including auralic aries g2 with gains in SQ. For those reading this go to h... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
I got good results with AES out of the DI20HE also. But I2s just took it further. Im also only using a basic 8k shielded amazon HDMI cable. Still waiting for a better wireworld chroma cable.But you'll definitely feel most of the benefit with AES. 
Speaker Thoughts - YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 vs Magico S5 MK II
Coming back to this thread. Another interesting match up might be the YG Hailey vs Magico A5 or M2 (A5 quite a bit lower msrp than the other 2). Also Sonja 2.3 vs Magico m3 or m6.I think the one issue with the YG lower end models or sonja 2.2 conf... 
SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier
Huh? Why wouldn't they offer you the upgrade? Even if its a paid upgrade? They make money so why not ? 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
I went in a different direction. I got the U1 mini + Keces p8  (with ghent dc cable) going into  a Audio GD DI20HE then I2S out into my DAC. This chain is simply incredible. Absolutely beats my old SOTM 200 ultra + sps 500 + dx usb setup. And doin... 
M900U vs the world
Kairo what did the rest of his system look like? Maybe he likes the synergy? What did you find lacking ? Low end? Dynamics? Too polite? 
Magico A5 official Announcement
Has anyone compared the A5 to the S5 mk2 ? 
Magico vs the world
anyone like stenheim? 
Blew a channel on my Bryston 3B
Could also look into schiit ragnarock or vidar monos. 
Blew a channel on my Bryston 3B
PS audio s300 or used bryston 3bst ? 
All New Pure Audio ONE Integrated Amp Reviewed!
agreed ^ 
SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier
@sedond  Did you ever get your Tube pre to compare?Also has anyone compared the 07x vs the C900U ? 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Lance man I am so happy for you. I Wish I could hear your system right now! 
unbeatable Class A integrated
Accuphase e800