
Responses from smodtactical

Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?
Which speakers were you running and in what way was the 160.8 better ? 
Pass Labs AMP’s- What is the best Pass Amp Sound for You from past 10 years
I talked to a couple people with pass labs amps and they both felt the XA series is 'far superior' to the X series. For those of you who have compared, is this the case? I guess it depends on how demanding the speakers are but apparently the XA se... 
SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier
Ya I too wonder why they won't update the old 07x. Kinda makes me lose faith. 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
@paopawdecarabao I heard Kenneth is a good solution but I can tell you the P8 is a great solution in dual output mode. It does 4 amps per output and u1 mini only uses 0.4 amps consistently so it has tons of headroom. I plan to maybe to use it to p... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
@steakster I had no issue with his experiences it was the implication and air of superiority that I got from it as I pointed out. But that was not his intent so that's fine. Whenever you like something in audio and someone says 'well its probably ... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
I apologize if I said 'is' that is my mistake, I should have said 'may' or should have said 'he found it to be'. I appreciate your insight regardless and I wish i had the full size U1 because its a much more elegant solution imo than my stack of b... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
And by the way I highly doubt di20he sounds better because of distortion. Because when I put it in my chain what I actually hear is a blacker background, more detail, more air, better dynamics. 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
"I just need to clarify that I didn’t state that the DI20HE increases noise and interference, I said that it could be possible that the perceived improvements were due to additional distortion and/or noise/interference."Sure but you are doing the ... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
"avoid stating or even implying that it is better than the U1 or the dCS Bridge based on what you read. "I don't see whats wrong in saying that this solution 'may' be better than full size u1. There is nothing erroneous about that comment. Also I ... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
By the way I want to add 1 thing. I actually think buying a full size lumin u1 is a good decision for 3 main reasons.1. It looks really nice, much nicer than u1 mini. It just has a great chassis and if I could get one for a very good price I would... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
Yes he did by saying  "It’s awesome to read that the DI20HE reclocker is getting the job done with satisfying results. I’m one of those guys who believes that less is more for linearity and less induced overall noise and interference in the signal... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
@steakster Its also silly to dismiss a product based solely on how in ’theory’ it should sound and assuming its just adding ’colour and distortion’ when you have not heard the product nor are you even relying on any real world impressions or exper... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
I concede totally that I am relying on other peoples impressions. But what are you using to evaluate the DI20HE? You are not even using other peoples impressions. You are just using theory about how it 'should sound'. Also you have never tried u1 ... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
@stray With your system probably the smartest thing to do is just add DI20HE. And down the road ext morion clock is an option. Sonore is already a great streamer. Going to full DCS bridge or even u1 mini probably not worth it based on everything I... 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
What I am talking about is not my belief I am simply reporting real world findings of audiophiles that have compared DI20HE + pi to DCS and that have compared DCS to full U1. So its not my personal belief based on my theoretical understanding. Its...