
Responses from smodtactical

M900U vs the world
@laaudionut Thanks for the thoughts. Have you considered a more modern mcintosh tube preamp? Also how you liking the coda 16? Looks to be a giant killer. I'd love to see Coda 16 vs M900U ! 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey just curious how come coda uses a hong kong made transformer? Why not something made in USA or Canada? 
M900U vs the world
The c900u seems to be an incredible preamp. Id like to seenit compared to an xp22 or 32. 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
You know what would be interesting. Coda 16 vs Luxman m900u. 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Can the 16 be configured in bridged mode? I heard it can be? 
Passive preamp
How come passives are not more popular? Everyone seems to use active and seems more commonly made as well. 
Pass Labs AMP’s- What is the best Pass Amp Sound for You from past 10 years
With respect to the treble on 0.8 X series amps. Do you guys find there is a good amount of air, detail, shimmer/sparkle in the treble? Or is it a bit rolled compared to other more neutral amps (ie. bryston, boulder)? 
M900U vs the world
@winnardt Saying something sounds great is fine.. but its not very meaningful unless you compare it to something. Sounds great compared to what? Beats by dre sounds good compared to a $1.00 amazon IEM... but compared to an HD650 it sounds very poo... 
M900U vs the world
trudat thanks for your great post. I guess sometimes I just read certain reviews and there is hyperbole and extremes of language and they paint things with huge bold stark contrast when in reality either option is likely to lead to fantastic results. 
M900U vs the world
RIAA Im talking about used price even 4-5 years ago compared to now is round 9k+. Dealer discounted price also not changing over the years. 
M900U vs the world
I've never seen an amp hold its value both new and on the used market like the m900u (except for the 5k drop when they had distributor changed). Its really impressive. 
Luxman m-900u owners - quick question
@keithr what did you end up with ? 
The $20K Soulution Audio 330 Integrated Amp is a Bargain ?
Would 509X be a better choice for less money? 
M900U vs the world
Ya I think his initial statement was just exaggeration after initially hearing the amp and being so impressed with it. But then later on he eventually sold it lol.I find he kinda did that too with the other amps hes looked at. Like with the X250.8... 
M900U vs the world
White camaross at one point was saying he would be willing to sell everything he has including XS300 and just enjoy M900U.