
Responses from smodtactical

Pass XP32 vs C900U vs ?
I respect your views as someone with a big breath of experience. Ya its not something I take very seriously... its just fun to talk audio. Will always decide on things by listening myself. 
Yg carmel 2 owners
A3 vs s1 mk2 would be a nice fight indeed. Id like to see yg carmel 2 in the mix. 
Yg carmel 2 owners
@erik_squires Sorry Erik did you say you like the S1 mk2 more than the carmel 2 ? 
Pass XP32 vs C900U vs ?
I enjoy reading impressions. But as you said, you need to buy and live with things. I plan on doing the same. Not now but in the future.But I really enjoy reading perspectives regardless of my own setup. 
Speaker Thoughts - YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 vs Magico S5 MK II
Any other comparisons of YG Vs Magico?YG vs Wilson aside:I had 1 YG owner who went from XLF -> YG XV and was really happy with that shift. Another likes h is Sonja 2.2 more than XLF. 
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..
What about acora's granite speakers? Lot of people swear by them! 
JTR Noesis for music
That sounds good! :DEager to hear them. I think ill order some in the future, maybe few years down the road when i have a bigger space. 
JTR Noesis for music
Here is a review with measurements. other thoughts ? 
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
@melbguy1  Interesting he went for the boulder with YG pairing. I've heard from a YG dealer that he is not a fan of the combination as its a bit too cool sounding.  
Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?
Keith great choice. I have a feeling the YG, Pass pairing will be excellent. I talked to my local YG dealer about this, he runs BHK300s on his Sonja 1.3 (hes upgrading to 2.3 soon). I mentioned Pass and he seemed to think the BHKs would definitely... 
Pass Labs Power amps choices
Ya I guess that is my main fascination. To see all the shiny gear. :DI respect pass labs and what I have heard has been truly amazing. That said would be totally open to comparing to luxman at some point and maybe coda. 
Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?
@karmapolice  some questions1.  What changed for you after listening for longer period about pass?2. Overall how close does your pass amps get to dart performance? And which Dart do you have?3. Have you heard any lux amps?Thx! 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
@mrcypruz If you get your hands on dcs please let us know how it compares. I would be most interested. 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
Thank you as well, mrcypruz, for sharing your first-hand experience.  
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
@golfnutz Ya I think making them myself makes sense, can save a ton of cash. I wonder if I can order the wood pieces cut to precise size via home depot and have them delivered or something with the rockwool. And just order the fabric as you said, ...