
Responses from smodtactical

Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Thanks guys. Will look into treatment and DSP.I do plan to move to a bigger space in 2-3 years so thats why I have the NS5000. But I agree totally a smaller speaker might be better. Although not sure it would be better for bass impact? 
Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?
I would be super interested to see what you guys think about the U1 vs DCS bridge. 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
@atmasphere  Does subwoofer direction make a difference since the waves are omnidirectional below a certain frequency? 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
That is so fascinating using all different kinds of subwoofers. Is there any downsides to this? Do they have different speed or timbre? 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Thanks guys for the great thoughts.Erik, sounds like a good plan.Miller, should I still use my 18s with the 10s? Like 2 18s and 2 10s?Strojo: Via RCA from preamp to subs. 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
@millercarbon: Ya I am not against a bass array. I would have to get probably 2 more subs and they would have to be smaller, maybe 12s or 14s because I am really running out of space. It would be great though if I could solve this without subs. I ... 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Probably I need to keep playing with speaker positioning as you guys are saying. I'll try to keep moving them around. Right now they are 28 inches off the front wall with 10 degree toe in. 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Here is another comparison, this time with left sub, 2 subs and no subs and a bit more smoothing (1/12) to make this more 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Here I did a curve with just mains, no subs and bit more smoothing at 1/12. 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
@erik_squires Its in the picture above called Measurefix. The purple line is with no subs (legend on the top left). I also tried doing 1 or the other sub as well. 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
@millercarbon thanks man, I will play with it.Oh and I forgot to measure the front wall to the front baffle (I was doing to the back of the speaker). My speakers are 28 inches away from the front wall.I am gonna try to play with the toe, lateral m... 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Guys thanks for all the suggestions. I will try them and keep tweaking. I did play with the delay of the subs based on what Tom wrote at PSA where he said you should add about 1msec delay for every foot away the sub is from you. So I have 1 sub th... 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
@erik_squires: I only have a delay knob on my subs (PSA V1800). Is that what I should play with? I don't have polarity or phase controls.@millercarbon Oh wow different subs? I thought I wouldn't be able to do that. Which subs do you have. Do you f... 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Thanks guys. Interesting anecdote about the speaker flip thing, heh.Anyway I did some measurements. Both with subs, no subs and at my listening position and at a position that is 3 feet back and 3 feet from the left 
Lots of bass at walls, lack of bass in center of room/listening position
Miller so in a smaller room you cannot get good bass without subs ?