
Responses from smodtactical

Any thoughts on Pass X150.8 ?
Ya I'd love the 250.8, there was a pretty solid used deal near me but it sold. I think I may buy a used 150.8 instead. Much more affordable and for me room and speakers probably more than enough power. 
Any thoughts on Pass X150.8 ?
@scothurwitz my dealer actually has XA30.8 and offered a demo (but under the condition i buy it or a higher end amp).Does it really take days to sound optimal? I would like to keep the amp off unless I Am using it. 
Luxman vs Pass Labs
The 590AXII is interesting because its 30 watts pure class A kind of like the 30.8.I was debating between INT60 (for the same 30 watts class A and another 30 watts of AB overhead if needed) or the X150.8 with my audio gd he9 preamp.Also considerin... 
Any thoughts on Pass X150.8 ?
@shahram what about with ns5000, 4 ohm, 88 db.@dep14 that gives me confidence, thank you! My dream amp is the 250.8 but a local deal just was stolen under my nose. 
Any thoughts on Pass X150.8 ?
It is strange though that there are no reviews at all. 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
What about the #8 vs #16 ? 
High Powered Holographic Amplifiers
Lol, asking for advice yet insulting everyone in the process. Don't be arrogant bro. 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@teajay Hey man I am talking about the Magnus audio MA400 that you reviewed. 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
And also to the MA400 Terry? 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
Terry how does it compare to pass 0.8 series amps? 
Amp and Preamp recommendations for Yamaha NS5000
Verdant thanks man I will definitely look into it.Wow. Mark Jones was right about bridged mode sometimes being inferior to stereo. I’ve had these brystons amps for well over a year. I never really tested out 1 amp in individual mode. Always using ... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@lancelock What other amps have you heard (besides coda) that you can compare the #16 to ? 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
YYZ ya I was looking at that 15.5, looks good. But with coda its a bit of a gamble. If I don't like the pairing its basically going to be impossible to sell. 
Preview: CODA Technologies new generation number#8 Stereo Amplifier
Terry how come so few people have the Coda amp? Barely any reviews except for your excellent review. 
Amp and Preamp recommendations for Yamaha NS5000
Guys thanks for the suggestions:@twoleftears Actually a local dealer does have an AX-5 twenty used for sale for about $5600 usd. I definitely am considering it. But kinda leaning towards going for a power amp so I am open to a future pre-amp upgra...