
Responses from shakeydeal

MM Micro one comparison.
I already own the speakers I am interested in. But no one seems to be able to see these speakers outside of an audio show. Almost like "Bigfoot"......Shakey 
Von Schweikert VR-33
Well I guess those VR-33s aren't going to work out for you?Shakey 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
Strange. I found that using no mat at all and adjusting for VTA came in 2nd place behind the BA Mat. The foam cell mat was a distant third to my ears.Shakey 
Von Schweikert VR-33
>well integrated base<Is this something the speaker is mounted to, then coupled to the floor?Shakey 
MM Micro one comparison.
Can you say "vaporware"?Shakey 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
I listen to blues, classic rock, jazz and bluegrass. Occasionally I will listen to classical.Shakey 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
I am on my third Benz L2. I love this cartridge and just keep coming back to it every time. I tried the Shelter 501, and that wasn't a good match. I tried an Ortofon, too lean. The Dynavector DV-20 is nice too.Shakey 
How do I get the most out of the Squeezebox Touch
A lot depends on where you are coming from. If you are trying to beat a high dollar cdp with the Touch, you will definitely need an outboard DAC. If your digital front end is somewhat modest, you will be fairly impressed with the converter in the ... 
How do I get the most out of the Squeezebox Touch
Unless I am confused, I don't think using any of the other players will get you anything. You are using Logitech Server software to get the music from your library to your SB Touch.Shakey 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
Another recommendation for the Mat-1. I have had one for years and it is far superior to the stock foam cell mat. Thanks for reminding me of that Inna.Shakey 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
I wouldn't say it's a significant improvement, but it was noticeable. I am using a Benz L2, and used this on the original deck.Shakey 
SB Touch w/upgraded power supply: good next step?
I am using the Havana. I really had no objections to the sound with the stock ps, but the upgrade improved the areas mentioned even further.Shakey 
SB Touch w/upgraded power supply: good next step?
I disagree completely. I am using the CIA PS and Starsound Sonoran power cord with my Touch into a MHDT DAC. I thought the outboard PS was a nice improvement, especially in making the sound more organic and less mechanical.Shakey 
Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?
Another Nott fan here in Virginia.I had the original Spacedeck/Arm and now have newer version with the Ace-Space arm. I am using a (now out of production) Neuance shelf in lieu of the standard supplied platform. I love this table and have no forse... 
alternative to maggies?
I guess it's nice you found a solution. But you are missing out on a pair of far superior speakers that cost less on the used market than a brand new pair of 3.6s or 3.7s.Good luck!Shakey