
Responses from shakeydeal

Tubes for VTL ST-150?
I am using Winged C 6550s in my ST-150. I can't say how the KT-88s would compare. One thing is for sure, this is a sweet amp. You will surely love it.Shakey 
VA: Anybody in southern VA interested in an audio club?
Gumby,email me at ozzy62@verizon.netI am in Lynchburg. Although we have nothing formal, there are a few of us around here. Love to meet you and listen sometime.Shakey 
Logitech Squeezebox sound compared to CD Player
Good luck and I think you will be fairly impressed with the Touch on it's own. But it really needs an outboad DAC to shine. I use Media Monkey to sync my iPod, but you really won't even need it to stream to the SB. You will use the Logitech Server... 
Are CD players dead
You might not have a superior format in itself, but with the right setup, the digital files can and do sound better than the original disc. That is enough for me.Shakey 
alternative to maggies?
If you want a speaker that sounds better than the maggies for about the same price as a used pair of 3.6s, buy the GMA Continuum 3s on Agon right now. Green Mountain Audio speakers have that boxless sound that maggies have, with better dynamics an... 
Von Schweikert VR-33
Gopher,I wish you the bets of luck with the speakers. I have owned three of Albert's designs, the original VR-4 (Silver Version), the VR2 and the VR4 HSE. I know he can make a quality product, so you will likely be impressed if your amp is up to t... 
Von Schweikert VR-33
So you buy a pair of speakers that you've never heard, and want to pair them with an amp that you are pretty sure won't drive them? Do you see anything at all wrong with this picture?Shakey 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
Well I found a nice improvement with the CIA PS. Not earth shattering, but money well spent IMHO.Shakey 
Dac suggestions to pair with Squeezebox Touch
I'm not sure you will find a 300.00 DAC that will best the one in the Touch. It's not great, but it's pretty good.Shakey 
Wavelength Proton or Mhdt Havana
I haven't heard the Proton, but I own the Havana and think it is an exceptional DAC. Hopefully you will get some input on your other option as well.Shakey 
Are CD players dead
>Back at you!<And you said this, why?Shakey 
Are CD players dead
>Just believe that the only leverageto help incentivise Major Labels actually do continue to increase costly Music selection in High Rez. Downloads, analternative Format with huge selection (CD) be used as a wedge<Wow, your posts are a chore... 
Ugh, what to do, what to do... DAC
My suggestion is to pick up that used Havana. I am using one with a SB Touch and it sounds great.Shakey 
Yes,another DAC question
>I really want to take my system to another level.<Buy a turntable......Shakey 
Need Advice On A Network Music Player
>Good advice, I suspect, except that the Logitech/Squeezebox software does not play well with Windows PC's<How so?Works fine for me.Shakey