
Responses from shakeydeal

tube dacs vs solid state dacs
I have heard tube and non tube designed DAC and cdps that sound good. For years my digital playback of choice was a Tube Research Labs modified Sony universal player. Not a tube in sight, but wonderful sound. It actually replaced a player with a t... 
tube dacs vs solid state dacs
By your premise, Elizabeth is wrong. She points to the crappy PS in "all" tube DACs being the cause of "inferior" sound. You point to the DAC. You don't help her case at all.Shakey 
tube dacs vs solid state dacs
Yeah, that's just Elizabeth painting with that broad brush of hers again. Nothing new to see here......Shakey 
tube dacs vs solid state dacs
"and cheap power supply in all the tubed DACs"So if you are insinuating that this is true of ALL tube DACS, I call BS on it.Shakey 
Von Schweikert DB99
>Sophia Electric 845 amplifiers should have no problem to drive this new speaker model.<New? Are you kidding now?Shakey 
Oil For Nottingham Spacedeck?
I agree with Inna. I tried other fluids in my spacedeck. But nothing sounded as good as the Nott oil. And I could definitely hear a difference.Shakey 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
>I did pass on the 1.5's as, again, not looking to upgrade the VS' so why buy them?<That is a truly ridiculous statement. And it sounds like your pride went before your common sense in this situation.The VR2s are decent speakers and I am gla... 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
Shy away if you must, but it's your loss. I only say this because I have owned the VR2s, so I'm not just blowing smoke.And I did read your intention in your original post. But I think your secondary speakers will become your primary ones.Shakey 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
The 1.5s will sound much better than you current VS speakers. You will NOT be disappointed, more like pleasantly surprised.Shakey 
Green Mountain Continium 1.5, anyone heard these?
I can tell you without a doubt they will sound far better than your VR2s. As Oldears said, you are indeed in for a treat.Shakey 
Two and a half hour audition of the Raidho C1.1
.....whatever you say..... 
Two and a half hour audition of the Raidho C1.1
>There is no advantage I hear from the C1.1 system compared to mine. Actually I prefer my system.<Unless you heard the C1.1 with YOUR amp and in YOUR room, you can't unequivocally say that. It may be your system that makes your speakers soun... 
My system's high frequencies hurt my ears
So did you put all this together at once, or over a period of time? If the sound hasn't always been fatiguing and you have owned the speakers since new, I would rule them out as the culprit. So you can work bacwards from here and maybe decipher at... 
What so special about Sonic Frontiers ?
Certtainly nothing special about the sound. I briefly owned a Power 2 and it was on of the worst sounding amps, SS or tube, I have ever owned. Was glad to see it go.Shakey 
Magico Q7 . . . wow
Two posts, you would figure in the second one you MIGHT spell Vandersteen correctly....Shakey