
Responses from shakeydeal

Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
>Audiogon is a place for the free exchange of ideas and information.<Not really..... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Haven't heard it, but I bet it's just like what Mihalis describes. More crap in the signal path that reduces resolution and transparency.No thanks.....Shakey 
Upgrade Suggestions
My first thought would be to replace the speakers. What is your budget?Shakey 
Need help on an all rounder speaker under $5000
You would be hard pressed to find anything better than the pair of Green Mountain Audio C3s that are for sale here on Agon. They can play any type of music and play it well. Not only will you get the details in the music, but you will get the musi... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Stop your whinning. The speakers got a good review, better than what most of us would have guessed. Shakey 
Need preamp recommendation
I would recommend the Sonic Euphoria PLC that is for sale on Audiogon right now. I have owned two of these, after foolishly sellling my first one. This preamp has beat up on some much more expensive contenders. No other way to put it, other than i... 
Which Upgrade First - Cartridge Or Phono Stage
"The standard Maxxed-Out, which is what I have, should be a very substantial upgrade over your GCPH"Amen to that!Shakey 
Choice Rega P5 or VPI Scout?
Here's another choice to muddy the waters.Well Tempered SimplexShakey 
McCormack vs. BAT
I prefer the McCormack sound to the BAT sound. BAT tends to be a little darker and not as resolving. The McCormack amps are detailed with just a little midrange bloom.Shakey 
TT Suggestions
In that price range you should really consider the Well Tempered Labs Amadeus. You'll not likely find anything better.Shakey 
Which Upgrade First - Cartridge Or Phono Stage
The Dyna is a pretty good cartridge. I think you will see more bang for your buck with a better phono stage.Shakey 
Cary v12 vs. Vac 80/80 vs. Music Reference RM-9
I have not heard the Cary, but have heard the other two. The RM9 is so much better than the VAC, it's almost funny. While I agree with Clio somewhat about the neutrality of the MR, when used with EL34s, it does have that midrange magic you seek. T... 
Where should I go next? Where are my weak links?
The Amadeus is a little daunting to set up, but is extremely easy to use after that part is accomplished. I too am using a Benz, the L2, seems to be a wonderful match to my ears.Shakey 
Where should I go next? Where are my weak links?
I agree with Onhwy61. You have a very balanced system. You might mention what, if anything, you are looking to improve.A new phono stage would be nice. But since you metioned that you listen mostly to vinyl, I will throw another fly in the ointmen... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
I would hardly call the results I get with the Touch + Havana DAC "entry level". Far from it actually......Shakey