
Responses from shakeydeal

Why CD players will never be dead
"Remember the floppy dick"Sounds like a bad porno movie.....Shakey 
why doesn't everyone own a pair of spica's???
"I used to be a dealer for them and I am not sure a more musical line of speakers has ever matched them in "bang for the buck". I think I still have some of both of them NIB."You felt the need to revive a 7 yr. old thread why exactly?Shakey 
Why CD players will never be dead
Grannyring,My TRL is not the latest version, it is a few years old. And it does sound really good. I am ripping seedees using DB poweramp into Apple Lossless. I find that this sounds better than FLAC or WAV to my ears. I added the CIA PS for the s... 
Why CD players will never be dead
Grannyring,Funny you should mention TRL in this thread. I have owned one of their modded Sony players for several years now. It has beat up some pretty expensive seedee players in this time.I just put together a modest system of SB Touch and MHDT ... 
MHDT Havana owners.....question
I received my Russian 6h3n tube last week and I am very impressed with it. This and more break in on the DAC/SB/CIA PS and I am very happy with the performance.Shakey 
Rega DAC vs Havana DAC
I was on the fence about whether to buy the Havana or the Stockholm. I talked to the guys at ALO Audio and they insisted that unless you are playing Hi rez material, that the Havana is the better sounding DAC. I am still burning in my Havana and w... 
MHDT Havana owners.....question
I just bought one of these tubes on ebay for 7.50 including shipping. Guess I'll find out first hand how good it is.Shakey 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
I haven't heard either one, and the Micro One may very well be an excellent speaker. However, it's hard to take Stereomojo seriously when it comes to, well, anything........Shakey 
MHDT Havana owners.....question
Thanks for the replies. I will certainly investigate the WE tube.Shakey 
Merlins under $3,000?
>There is a pair of Merlin's for sale at msshifi for 3500<As usual, it's buyer beware with that outfit.....Shakey 
What would happen if Maggie and Wilson Mated?
"What speaker would this be? Does it exsist today?"You, sir, would have a Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 HD.Shakey 
Why magic at 80 db?
80 db IS background level.....;-}}Shakey 
Which of these would you prefer?
I agree with Bombaywalla. I have owned several of Roy's speakers and currently own the C3 HDs. GMA makes fantastic speakers. Of the other three I have only heard the Usher and preferred the Callistos I owned at the time.Shakey 
Budding Audiophile Seeks Speaker Guidance
For 7.1 movie sound in a 12 X 12 room, you would be wasting your money if you spend more than 1K on the entire system. Think HTIB, (home theater in a box, for the uninitated).Shakey 
How do the Magnepan 3.6r compare to the new 1.7
>but room size of 13'x28' is too small.<Hmmm, seems plenty big enough for me. I had 3.5s in a 15 X 26 room and had no problems. I have seen bigger speakers shoehorned in much smaller spaces than yours.Shakey