
Responses from shakeydeal

Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???
I tried unsuccessfully to switch back to SS three different times.Shakey 
Taking suggestions for CD players for a passive
Any cdp with a standard 2v output will drive your passive preamp just fine. Just a matter of flavor after that.Shakey 
VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
No ring or clamp is recommended or necessary. I have a record that was unplayable on the first two tracks on both sides on my previous table. The WTA sails through this record like nobody's business.Shakey 
VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
"Nonetheless, I'm rather reluctant to believe that the WTA is better in such a profound way right out of the box, after just a few hours of listening"ActusreusBelieve it. This table is the real deal.Shakey 
VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
This is what I suspected you would hear. My WTA made short work of my Nottingham Spacedeck, which is also a very good table. The key is the amount of damping in the cup and how far down you suspend the ball. My preference is for almost touching th... 
VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
Ok, you have had a couple of days with it. Inquiring minds want to know.Shakey 
Why is the market for used Levinson amps so slow?
Could it be because most people by now have figured out the Levinson "house" sound and don't like it?I have heard ML amps in three different systems and never cared for the sound any time. Now it might have been something other than the amps, but ... 
Harbeth hl5 vs Dali Euphonia SM4
"Similarly I owned the Grand Piano Concerto for 3 years and found them to severely lack definition and detail with rolled off highs. The overall sound is thick and shut-in."And you kept them for three years? Seriously?Shakey 
what is the best sounding speakers for under 5000.
How long is a ball of string?Shakey 
VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
Yes I am using the L2. No problems at all, sounds great.Shakey 
VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
I recently replaced a Nott Spacedeck with an Amadeus. I thought about going with a new Aries, but I am glad I went this way instead.The Amadeus is so much better than the Nott, it's almost laughable.Shakey 
Choices, turntable purchase choices?
You should consider the WTL Simplex. I have the Amadeus and I would consider it's performance to be outstanding.Shakey 
Best budget amp match with ProAc Tablettes
You might also consider posting this in the appropriate forum. You are likely to receive more reponses.Shakey 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
This is turning out to be more of a joke than anything else.....Shakey 
McCormack DNA 0.5 vs. Parasound HCA 2003
Years ago I replaced a Parasound HCA 2200 II with a McCormack DNA-1. The difference was pretty substantial. The guy that came to buy the Parasound amp almost walked away from the deal when he heard the DNA-1 in comparison.Shakey