
Responses from shakeydeal

Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
I think the three tweeter array is great. The speakers sound nothing like they look.And Dalecrommie, you can get the automotive finish from Tekton for 350.00.Shakey 
Adding Tone Controls?
Tone controls are band aids that have no place in a well thought out and designed system.Shakey 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
Check out this review. He tried a 3.5 watt amp and liked it. 
Klipsch-tekton -Zu
My answer is no. I bought Pendragons, and have never been a Klipsch fan.Shakey 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
I am using a VTL ST-150 paired with a Sonic Euphoria PLC. I know the speakers will work with far less power, but there is something about that effortless sound with big power. I agree about the Plinius, I bet that would rock the house. I had an SA... 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
Well I would say "apples to oranges", but that wouldn't be quite correct. However, they do differ in their presentation.The C3s are more of a conventional "hi-fi" sounding speaker. Very refined, coherent and just all around good.The Pendragons are... 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
Thanks for the review. I can say that my standard Pendragons are excellent and I couldn't be happier with the purchase.Shakey 
Audiophile blues...
"And since when has 50's technology and Tube equipment been a benchmark for great sound."Since, well, er......forever?Shakey 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
Syntax,You funny!!!!Shakey 
Shovels and Rope
Thanks for the review Todd. My wife and I saw them at the Rhythm & Roots festial in Bristol back in September. We saw them Friday night and went to another venue Saturday night to see them again. Great performances. It's really hard to describ... 
stack speakers question
Sounds like a convaluted mess to me.Shakey 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
"I read the Audio Critic from time to time to cleanse my mind of all the pollution it can pick up on this site."That said, you could always opt not to come back again.Shakey 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
If the amp in question sounds like other ML amps, I would agree with the assessment.Shakey 
Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
Definition Mk II on Agon right now for 7800.00. Not even close to the price of the Pendragons.Just sayin.....Shakey 
Shovels and Rope
I saw them live at the Bristol Rhythm n Roots festival in September. Man do they electrify a stage! Good stuff.....Shakey