
Responses from shakeydeal

Big, big room -- which 10-20k speakers?
All this talk about what speaker will fill what room, with not much mention about how it's going to sound in the end. You should allot 1/3 of your speaker budget towards room treatment. You are going to need a lot of it.Shakey 
Top rated passive preamps
I am a big fan of the transformer/autoformer variety of preamps. I currently own a Sonic Euphoria PLC which has bested a lot of active preamps up to ~6K in my system. The PLC also beat out a Bent Audio TAP to my ears.Shakey 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Another reason I moved from the People's Republic of Kalifornia....Shakey 
Interested in a pair of original Polk SDA's?
These were my dream speakers back in the mid 80s after hearing them at an audio shop in a mall in Santa Maria Ca.That said, even production SDAs don't bring a lot of money. I would say they are worth 200-300 dollars.Another consideration is whethe... 
Big, big room -- which 10-20k speakers?
That room is going to be a nightmare. You may as well resign yourself to the fact that you will only realize a certain precentage of what any speaker is capable of. Those 17' ceilings will surely be your undoing.Shakey 
Magnepan durability
"I'm finally going to be allowed by my better half to replace my Vandersteen 1C speakers"You have bigger issues than what speakers to buy.....Shakey 
Well Tempered SIMPLEX or Rega RP6
I think the Benz sounds great on the Amadeus.Yes, that is a Promethan Base from Geoff Kait. I just mounted it to the wall. Works very well.Shakey 
Turntable Choices
Add the Well Tempered Amadeus to your list. Listen to one at your own peril.Shakey 
Well Tempered SIMPLEX or Rega RP6
Can't you add the cueing device to the Simplex?I agree about the speed changes. A pushbutton would be nice on the Amadeus.Shakey 
Well Tempered SIMPLEX or Rega RP6
I think you answered your own question. Knowing how good the Amadeus sounds should resolve the issue, IMHO. I have owned and heard Regas and I can't imagine that the RP6 could match the magic of a WT design. Disclaimer: Rabid Amadeus owner.Shakey 
zu audio Help
I wouldn't think Rotel gear would be a good match with them. This is probably your culprit.Shakey 
so many speakers
In other words, my Polks could end up in the same group as the Wilson Maxx. :)So, of ALL the speakers on the market, we could end up with just a few different groups. Some people think, believe it or not, that speakers are the ONLY component that ... 
JBL lovers
11-23-12: Audiolabyrinththose of you who think l7 is not adequate, are sadly mistaken! Krell 700cx, Ayon 2s,taralabs, the one, cables.,stillpoints uitra ss footers, most speakers are over hyped!You revive an 8 yr old thread for this? Seriously?Shakey 
Klipsch-tekton -Zu
"would like a speaker that can rock but also be very musical and detailed when called upon without being harsh."Tekton is for you.Shakey 
Any Mark Knopfler Fans Out There?
I have been a fan for years. But honestly, his last few releases have been snoozers. Any reason to think this isn't more of the same?Shakey