
Responses from shakeydeal

Cat damaged speaker, Help
Lemmycaution,A year and a half later, do you think he has figured out a plan of action for his dilemma?Shakey 
Gone are the days of the great audition.
"The op must live in NYC or London."Slooow doooowwwn and read the original post again. You will be enlightened to the geographical location of the poster in question.Shakey 
I feel like an idiot; lessons learned
Jmcgrogan2,Ahh yes, it makes sense now. I seem to remember a mrtycraft on Audio Asylum years ago. And I do remember his, how to say, skewed point of view.Shakey 
I feel like an idiot; lessons learned
Schipo,Relax, don't have a cow. Not everyone has a system that can discern cable differences. If this is you, don't sweat it. Just enjoy what you do have.Shakey 
I feel like an idiot; lessons learned
Rrog,Hard to tell if your post is tongue in cheek or not. My sarcasm meter might be on the fritz.That said, room treatment is key and better power cords do enhance the sound. Neither is a myth.If you were indeed kidding, disregard the above.Shakey 
Anyone heard nOrh prism 6.9
They use good drivers and had good comments when they were available. I would say if you can get 'em cheap, why not?Shakey 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Who left the door open?Shakey 
any one give the Polk Lsi25 a good listen?
"Polk speakers are bang for the buck, no other speakers can compete"You are right Orpheus. All other contenders are just pretenders, nothing but Polk will do.Too bad most of us just wasted our money on what we "thought" would be better performance... 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
I guess Jackson123's offer is off the table. He never responded to my query.Shakey 
Anyone heard nOrh prism 6.9
Now there's a name you don't hear much anymore......Shakey 
any one give the Polk Lsi25 a good listen?
You are long on tic for tac, but very short on answers, or meaningful input.Keep checkin'.Shakey 
Tekton- HOT- Pendragon-SE First Impressions
Yes, you are very confused.The B&Ws are four times the cost of the Pendragons. Looked pretty obvious to me.Shakey 
any one give the Polk Lsi25 a good listen?
Why all the anti-Polk hysteria? Maybe some of the more rational and knowledgeable members could weigh in on this phenomena. I am rational and reasonably knowledgable."No other brands elicits such a visceral reaction."There you go again, speaking i... 
any one give the Polk Lsi25 a good listen?
Pretty much nails it.Shakey 
any one give the Polk Lsi25 a good listen?
First of all, you didn't qualify your statement.But there is NOTHING out there that would be an 'upgrade'"THAT is the stupidity I was referring to.Shakey