
Responses from shakeydeal

Reference 3A Episode vs MM deCapo i
Nice looking system Rebbi. I bet that sounds great.Shakey 
Which to buy...or neither
Between those two, I would go for the KEF.Shakey 
Reference 3A Episode vs MM deCapo i
Yes, I have news.The Grand Veenas are certainly something special. Very coherent and musically involving. The bass is extended and powerful enough with lots of texture and detail. The high frequencies are some of the best I have heard. They will g... 
Reference 3A Grand Veena, can they rock?
Yes I did. And I am very pleased with them.Shakey 
Reference 3A Grand Veena, can they rock?
Lacee,I sent you a message regarding the GVs a week or so ago, not sure if Agon got it to you or not.What did you move on to? I saw many of your favorable comments about these speakers in the archives.Shakey 
Bent Audio Autoformer vs Tube Pre
Reading comprehension IS your friend."When properly utilized in a passive friendly system, TVC and autoformer linestages usually best any active preamp regardless of technology."Read it again, this time slooooowwwwllllyyyy.....Shakey 
Bent Audio Autoformer vs Tube Pre
An SFL2 is a Sonic Frontiers tube preamp.When properly utilized in a passive friendly system, TVC and autoformer linestages usually best any active preamp regardless of technology.I have owned many well regarded tube preamps and my Sonic Euphoria ... 
Reference 3A Grand Veena, can they rock?
Trelja,I picked up my Grand Veenas on Thursday and have been listening since. I agree with you, there is something special about these speakers. No, they won't play at lease breaking levels, but they are plenty satisfying.Saki70,The Pendragons are... 
Reference 3A Episode vs MM deCapo i
Congrats Rebbi. Sounds like you have found your ideal speakers.I will be driving 5 hours to pick up a pair of Grand Veenas tomorrow. I have high hopes for these speakers. I heard the original deCapos a few years ago and was pretty impressed with t... 
Reference 3A Grand Veena, can they rock?
Thanks for the responses. I know they won't rock the house like my current Tekton Pendragons (C3s are gone), but I do tend to listen at realistic levels. I just don't want a speaker that won't hold up to a little abuse. I welcome the refinement an... 
swan divas 5.1
It's an ad. How is that going to help him decide?Shakey 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
My room is 25 x 14. Yeah, your room may be a little on the small size for the standard Pendragons.Shakey 
Is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012
"Was there really a need for the original question?"You really have to consider the source. Anyone who knows Sudz from AA will know what I mean.Shakey 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
I decided to forgo the SE version because I wanted something off the beaten path. The pro drivers give you more of a "live" feel. Not pinpoint imaging, but huge dynamic swings and an effortless sound. I was afraid the SE version might just sound l... 
Review of Tekton Pendragon-Se Loudspeaker
The SE has the Seas drivers. I believe it comes with stock xovers, but the upgraded ones are an option. After speaking with Eric, I went with the standard Pendragon. Shakey