
Responses from shakeydeal

Esoteric MG 10 vs Magnepan 1.7
Experience after WHAT fact? Could you be a little more vague?Ok, your dick is bigger. You can move on now.Shakey 
Esoteric MG 10 vs Magnepan 1.7
Wow, touched a nerve did we?I actually did own a pair of 1Bs for a while. And yes, I've heard 2s and 3s in enough settings to know exactly how they compare to maggies. Ask anyone who has heard a pair or even owns them. Yes, they are high value spe... 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
I have a K&K phono stage. You can see the rest of my system listed.The biggest improvement I noted was the superior dynamic range of the WTA. The difference between soft and loud and the increased "jump" factor.I wouldn't say the tonal balance... 
Esoteric MG 10 vs Magnepan 1.7
I agree that maggies aren't the most transparent speaker available. They do some things really well and have a cult following. That said, there is no way a pair of Vandersteen 2s could be considered more transparent. I can understand someone prefe... 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
Sure it does. So you can't listen in a vacuum. But if turntable A sounds better than turntable B in the exact same system, then I gotta go with A.You are correct though. I couldn't compare my TT in my system to the way yours sounds in your system.... 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
I owned an earlier version of the Spacedeck initially with an OL arm. Then I moved to the Spacearm. Later I had the Ace-Space with it's arm. I am pretty sure both were set up correctly, and I am not throwing Nottingham under the bus. I loved the S... 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
Yes I know the Nott is a good table, I had two of them. But in all honesty, the WTA made it sound like it was broken.But I'm not hijacking this thread. Enjoy your Spacedeck, it is a great table.Shakey 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
"Well Tempered turntables are suppose to be good. Am I wrong?"No, you are extremely right....Shakey 
Nottington Ace Space question, motor placement.
Try placing the motor up front on the left corner on the plinth. This does have a slight improvement on the sound.You have a good table. Just don't audition a Well Tempered Amadeus and you should be all set.Shakey 
adagios vs veenas
I haven't heard the Adagios, but it's hard to go wrong with the GV. They do everything across the board pretty good, and are very special at some things. But most importantly they convey the gestalt of the music.Shakey 
Speaker suggestions??
"Im not totally happy with the SoCal speakers in the trouble trains I prefer a softer trouble"Keep drinking and they will keep sounding better and better......Shakey 
Replacing my old soda Sapphire: which clearaudio
"My wife objects to the wood base of the turntable."Is this a new wife or a new turntable?Shakey 
why no recent Merlin speaker reviews?
"Why not just label their speakers series 1, 2, 3 etc"Because we would be on series 493, or some stupid s^&t like that......Shakey 
Anyone hear of KEVEK speakers?
So these speakers have a blown woofer and still sound better than anything you have today. Either they are the best thing since sliced bread, or that bar is pretty low.Shakey 
Feedback on the current Reference 3a changes ?
Tony,I have stumbled down many alleys and am not proud to admit it, but admit it I will. And I won't go out on a limb and say there won't be another to lure me away, but all is bliss for the moment.Seriously though, these are excellent speakers an...