
Responses from shakeydeal

Feedback on the current Reference 3a changes ?
Tony,You should hear the Grand Veenas. You might not eat or sleep for a week afterwards.....;-}}Shakey 
Harbeth Compact 7s vs. Pioneer's $129 speakers
Okeeteekid,You must have gotten the last pair. Out of Stock!Shakey 
TAD Evolution 1 vs Thiel CS3.7
"Specifically the $29,000 TAD Evolution 1, it is in the ball park of the $15,000 Thiel"That's one heulluva ball park. Akin to saying a Hyundai is in the ballpark of a Lexus. I guess so, you can buy either of them for under 100K.Shakey 
LS50s and room size
This is all well and good. And I am surely happy you like your speakers.But why do people post questions in the wrong forum? That is likely why you only got two (and not very good) responses.Shakey 
Better sound
"Interesting! How do you know the OP's ears are IN the, "vertical sweet spot?" How high is his listening seat? How tall is he? A speaker that was so beamy, in the vertical plane, that it could not remain accurate if raised or lowered by an inch or... 
Better sound
Just be aware that anything you put under the speakers that is taller than the existing spikes is going to alter the sound by moving your ears out of the vertical sweet spot. You may have to compensate for this by changing your listening height as... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I have no doubt that the Cirrus is a fine speaker. But shill or not, if that's the very best you have ever heard (remember the thread title), you need to get out more often.Shakey 
Feedback on the current Reference 3a changes ?
"The original 3As were so hyped at the time with over the top glowing reviews that I bought a pair. I hated them, and sold the as quickly as possible. A change might well be an improvement."Very curious statement. Out of the thirty some odd speake... 
Zu Omen Def's, Tekton Pendragon SEAS, or Omega's?
There is no way you should even consider the Pendragon for that room. And you won't get 100% out of any larger speaker you put in there. Just sayin.......Shakey 
Tyler Acoustics
Your electronics will severely limit any decent speakers for serious two channel audio.Shakey 
Shootout: Raidho C3.1 vs Vivid Giya 2
Swampwalker makes an excellent point. How can it be that "can't go wrong with either one" and "no contest"? You should reread that post. Makes no sense is an understatement.And just because you can't sell a pair of speakers to this particular gent... 
"What's The Best Value Speaker In $5k-$10k Range?"
"These look nice and they sound great. Cost 8 grand new."Ahhh, ok.......Now you (don't) see 'em, now you don't.......Shakey 
Dunlavy SC IV or Merlin VSM M
"I am sure the moderstors would like to know about you."Oh I'm sure they do. Question is, do you think they care?Shakey 
Best Rock Album in 2013
Just listened to some tracks on the Local Natives "Hummingbird".Really? Best of 2013? Is this what we've come to?Shakey 
LDR Active Preamp - does it exist?
4v? Wow, I have never heard of any amp that was over 2.5v. Shakey