
Responses from shakeydeal

LDR Active Preamp - does it exist?
Your best bet is to deal with your gain issue at the amp. Choose one with higher input sensitivity and a passive line stage will match just fine, no extra gain needed.Shakey 
First Impression: Vivid Audio B1 Speakers
So you have had two well regarded speakers in your room with bass issues. I do think you have your room to deal with.Shakey 
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?
bo1972The word you keep desperately seeking is WHEN.It keeps eluding you.Truly,Shakey 
Short review: Merlin Vsm MXr vs Master
"I might have guessed BP would have come to his rescue."My thoughts exactly......Shakey 
Short review: Merlin Vsm MXr vs Master
"I am very happy with the upgrade and have hesitation recommending it."And what exactly would your hesitation be?Shakey 
Pendragon. worth the wait and cost?
Yes, Eric is having some issues so you will have to be patient if you want a pair.I think they are worth the asking price. Lot of performance for not a lot of $$$. I had a pair but sold them when a killer deal came along on my current speakers.Shakey 
Big Dr. John fan here too. I have not been able to make myself like "Locked Down". There, I said it.Shakey 
JTR Noesis
What a lousy website. I went there knowing nothing about these speakers, and left with the same impression.Shakey 
Yak, Yak, Yak......and more yak.....
Someone forgot to take his medication.....Shakey 
Is the Townshend Rock 7 "the" giant killer?
I have had two versions of the Spacedeck. The last was the most recent version before the 294. It had the Ace-Space arm. It did sound very good, but the Amadeus is muuuuch better.Shakey 
Polk Audio RT2000p or LSi 25's--- WHO CARES ???
"Phaelon, why don't you start another thread complaining about the moderators, the members, and threatening to unsubscribe from Audiogon? That should get you the attention you desire. ;^)"Any one of you,try starting a new thread and tell me how th... 
Is the Townshend Rock 7 "the" giant killer?
Nottingham makes a good table. I have owned two versions of the Spacedeck and was very happy with them. That said, the WTA made the spacedeck sound "broken".Shakey 
Polk Audio RT2000p or LSi 25's--- WHO CARES ???
I alerted Agon to this problem last week. For all intents and purposes, this speaker forum seems to be DOA.Shakey 
The usual suspects: S1, Cirrus, Tempesta, MMM1
I have owned the Triumph and the Super Eclipse, both only briefly. Nothing to write home about.Shakey 
Reference 3A line updated
I am looking forward to hearing your impressions.Shakey